| **Navigation:**  [[templates.htm|Templates]] > Guide to all Templates > [[additional libraries and templates.htm|Additional Libraries and Templates]] > MenuStyleManager Class > MenuStyleManager Methods >====== Refresh (Refresh Menu Style) ====== | [[mixcolors mix two colors .htm|{{btn_prev_n.gif|Previous page}}]][[additional libraries and templates.htm|{{btn_home_n.gif|Return to chapter overview}}]][[setbackgroundcolor set menu item background color .htm|{{btn_next_n.gif|Next page}}]] | | || **Refresh( **//forceRefresh //**)** {{blk2blue.jpg|blk2blue.jpg}} | //forceRefresh// | A Boolean value that when TRUE forces an unconditional refresh of the Menu Style. | **Refresh **indicates that the active menu style needs to be refreshed. If the //forceRefresh// flag is FALSE, a refresh is not applied if the **delayRefresh** property is TRUE. Otherwise, a refresh calls the **InitMenuInterface** method. **Implementation:** The **Refresh** method should be called at runtime whenever any menu style, color, or attribute is modified. It should usually immediately follow the [[applytheme set menu colors and indicators .htm|ApplyTheme]] method. **Example:** **RefreshMenuTheme ROUTINE** ** MenuStyleMgr.SuspendRefresh()** ** MenuStyleMgr.SetThemeColors(GLO:MenuTheme)** ** IF GLO:ManualSettings** **  IF GLO:NoBar** **   MenuStyleMgr.SetImageBar(FALSE)** **  ELSE** **   MenuStyleMgr.SetImageBar(TRUE)** **  END** **  MenuStyleMgr.SetSeparator3D(GLO:Separator3D)** **  MenuStyleMgr.SetSeparatorFull(GLO:FullSeparator)** **  MenuStyleMgr.SetVerticalLine(GLO:VerticalLine)** ** END** ** IF GLO:WhiteBackground** **  MenuStyleMgr.SetWhiteBackground()** ** END** ** MenuStyleMgr.ApplyTheme()** ** MenuStyleMgr.Refresh()** ** DISPLAY()** **See Also:** [[delayrefresh hold refresh action .htm|delayRefresh]], [[initmenuinterface initialize menu properties .htm|InitMenuInterface]]