| **Navigation:**  [[templates.htm|Templates]] > Guide to all Templates > [[additional libraries and templates.htm|Additional Libraries and Templates]] > MenuStyleManager Class > MenuStyleManager Methods >====== MenuStyleManager Methods ====== | [[menufeq menu field equate .htm|{{btn_prev_n.gif|Previous page}}]][[additional libraries and templates.htm|{{btn_home_n.gif|Return to chapter overview}}]][[alignshortcutstoleft position menu shortcuts to left .htm|{{btn_next_n.gif|Next page}}]] | | || [[alignshortcutstoleft position menu shortcuts to left .htm|AlignShortcutsToLeft ( position menu shortcuts to left )]] [[applytheme set menu colors and indicators .htm|ApplyTheme (Set Menu Colors and Indicators)]] [[areshortcutsleftaligned detect left aligned menu shortcuts .htm|AreShortcutsLeftAligned ( detect left aligned menu shortcuts )]] [[clearthemevalues.htm|ClearThemeValues(Clear Theme Values)]] [[getendcolor get ending gradient color .htm|GetEndColor (get ending gradient color)]] [[getflatmode get menu flat mode .htm|GetFlatMode ( get menu flat mode)]] [[getfont get menu text font .htm|GetFont( get menu text font )]] [[getimagebar get vertical image bar status .htm|GetImageBar ( Get Vertical Image Bar status)]] [[getimage get image name assigned to menu part .htm|GetImage ( get image name assigned to menu part )]] [[getisverticalgradient does menu part use a vertical gradient .htm|GetIsVerticalGradient ( does menu part use a vertical gradient )]] [[getlinemode.htm|GetLineMode(set Menu line styles)]] [[getlinesembossed.htm|GetLinesEmbossed(Get Line Embossed Mode)]] [[getmenumetric get menu style metric value .htm|GetMenuMetric (Get Menu Style Metric Value)]] [[getstartcolor get starting gradient color .htm|GetStartColor (get starting gradient color)]] [[gettextcolor get menu text color .htm|GetTextColor( get menu text color )]] [[getverticalselection get vertical color gradient .htm|GetVerticalSelection (get vertical color gradient)]] [[ignorewindowstheme.htm|IgnoreWindowsTheme(Ignore Active OS Theme Colors)]] [[init initialize the menustylemanager object .htm|Init (initialize the MenuStyleManager object)]] [[initmenuinterface initialize menu properties .htm|InitMenuInterface (initialize menu properties)]] [[iswindowsthemeignored.htm|IsWindowsThemeIgnored(Detect if OS Theme is Ignored)]] [[menuhasgradient does menu part have gradient applied .htm|MenuHasGradient ( does menu part have gradient applied )]] [[menuinterface imenuinterface reference .htm|MenuInterface (IMenuInterface reference)]] [[menustyle imenustyle reference .htm|MenuStyle (IMenuStyle reference)]] [[mixcolors mix two colors .htm|MixColors (mix two colors)]] [[refresh refresh menu style .htm|Refresh (Refresh Menu Style)]] [[setbackgroundcolor set menu item background color .htm|SetBackgroundColor (Set Menu Item Background Color)]] [[setcolor specify color for menu part .htm|SetColor(specify color for menu part)]] [[setcustomthemecolors set default menu colors and indicators .htm|SetCustomThemeColors(Set Custom Menu Colors and Indicators)]] [[setdefaultthemevalues set default menu colors and indicators .htm|SetDefaultThemeValues (Set Default Menu Colors and Indicators)]] [[setcolor specify color for menu part .htm|SetColor ( specify color for menu part )]] [[setcustomthemecolors set default menu colors and indicators .htm|SetCustomThemeColors (Set Default Menu Colors and Indicators)]] [[setflatmode set menu flat mode .htm|SetFlatMode ( set menu flat mode)]] [[setfont set menu text font .htm|SetFont ( set menu text font )]] [[setimagebar set vertical image bar status .htm|SetImageBar ( Set Vertical Image Bar Status )]] [[setimage apply image to menu part .htm|SetImage ( apply image to menu part )]] [[setlinemode.htm|SetLineMode(set Menu line styles)]] [[setlinesembossed.htm|SetLinesEmbossed(Set embossed/3D line style)]] [[setmenumetric set menu style metric value .htm|SetMenuMetric (Set MenuStyle Metric Value)]] [[settextcolor set menu text color .htm|SetTextColor ( set menu text color )]] [[setthemecolors set colors based on theme detected .htm|SetThemeColors ( set colors based on theme detected )]] [[setverticalgradient set vertical color gradient .htm|SetVerticalGradient ( set vertical color gradient)]] [[setverticalselection set vertical color gradient .htm|SetVerticalSelection (set vertical color gradient)]] [[setwhitebackground set menu item background white .htm|SetWhiteBackground (set menu item background white)]] [[suspendrefresh delay menu refresh .htm|SuspendRefresh (Delay Menu Refresh)]] [[usecustomtheme apply custom theme colors .htm|UseCustomTheme(Apply Custom Theme Colors)]]