| **Navigation:**  [[clarion ide.htm|Development Environment (IDE)]] > General Setup and Navigation > Configuration Options > General >====== Tools Options - Projects and Solutions ====== | [[softvelocity binarytotext importexportpanel.htm|{{btn_prev_n.gif|Previous page}}]][[clarion ide.htm|{{btn_home_n.gif|Return to chapter overview}}]][[icsharpcode filetyperegisterer registerfiletypespanel.htm|{{btn_next_n.gif|Next page}}]] | | || The options in this dialog control the default location and error options of Clarion and Clarion# projects and solutions created. **Settings** **Use the last opened Solution folder as the Default Project Location** When checked, the last directory accessed by the IDE will override the **Default project location.** **Default project location** Specify the default directory for all new projects created. **Use solution folder as default when adding a new project to the solution** Check to maintain the current solution folder as you add new projects. **Load previous solution on startup** Check to auto-load the last project/solution that you were working on in the IDE as you restart the IDE in a new session. **Close Start Page when loading a solution** Check to automatically close the Start Page anytime a solution is loaded. **New Solutions are configured for Release mode** Check this option to automatically set all new Solutions for Release mode. If unchecked, new Solution will default to Debug mode. **Build and Run options** The Clarion IDE supports Builds on a separate thread or a separate process. By default, the IDE Builds on a separate process. On multi-CPU or multi-core CPU machines this will normally improve the performance of the system as the Build action will normally execute on a different CPU that is different to the one the IDE is using. However, due to the added overhead of interprocess communication, it may be that on some machines it is better to run the Build as a separate thread within the IDE. To disable the Build activity in a separate process, uncheck the **Run build as a separate process(es) rather than as a thread** check box. Check the **Show error list pad if build finishes with errors** to show the Error list by default on a Build error. If unchecked, the Output window will display instead with a more verbose error listing. **Output Details** Select the type of messaging output that you want during the Build process. The following options are currently available: | //Quiet// | Only display "Build started.", "Build finished successfully." messages, plus errors and warnings. | | //Minimal// | Same as Quiet | | //Normal// | Same as Quiet, plus messages indicating which source files are being compiled. | | //Detailed// | Same as Normal, plus details about which files are included when compiling and which files are linked when linking | | //Diagnostic// | Same as Detailed |