| **Navigation:**  [[clarion ide.htm|Development Environment (IDE)]] > General Setup and Navigation > Configuration Options > Text Editor >====== Markers and Rulers ====== | [[icsharpcode sharpdevelop defaulteditor gui optionpanels generaltexteditorpanel.htm|{{btn_prev_n.gif|Previous page}}]][[clarion ide.htm|{{btn_home_n.gif|Return to chapter overview}}]][[icsharpcode sharpdevelop defaulteditor gui optionpanels behaviortexteditorpanel.htm|{{btn_next_n.gif|Next page}}]] | | || The Markers and Rulers section controls the majority of the Text Editor's visual elements: **Show Horizontal Ruler** This option places a ruler at the top of the Editor window. **Show column ruler** Places a vertical line marker at whatever column you specify. **Line Marker Style** This option controls how your active line is displayed. Select Full Row for a special color indicator on the entire line. **Show line numbers** Activate this option to show line numbers on the left side of the editor window. **Underline errors** Activating this option will trigger an underlining of any errors produced by the compiler. **Highlight matching bracket** This option locates and highlights matching brackets whenever any bracket is active. This option is valid for ( ) [ ] { } **Show invalid lines** Activate this option to show invalid lines detected by the type of configuration that you have loaded. Using the "Clarion" highlighting scheme (the default), no lines are considered invalid. **Show EOL markers** Activate this option to show the "end of line" markers. These markers are identified by the special paragraph mark "¶" **Show spaces** Activate this option to show space markers. These markers are identified by standard "dot" markers. **Show tabs** Activate this option to show tab markers. These markers are identified by the special " **»** " character.