| **Navigation:**  Application Generator >====== Global Properties ====== | [[adm8.htm|{{btn_prev_n.gif|Previous page}}]][[coming future.htm|{{btn_home_n.gif|Return to chapter overview}}]][[csidl support.htm|{{btn_next_n.gif|Next page}}]] | | || The Global Properties dialog is accessed from the **Actions** button located on the Applicvation Generator's //Global Properties// tab. {{globalpropertiesnew_shg.jpg|globalPropertiesnew_shg.jpg}}[[global properties.htm#tplapplication external|]][[global properties.htm#tplapplication individualfileoverrides|]][[global properties.htm#tplapplication clarionversion|]][[global properties.htm#as6sztf|]][[global properties.htm#ffpqvy|]][[global properties.htm#tplapplication filecontrolflags|]][[global properties.htm#tplapplication appsettings|]][[global properties.htm#tplapplication general|]] //Click on a TAB to see its help// This dialog specifies application level options for file processing, .INI file support, plus lets you define global variables. {{blk2blue.jpg|blk2blue.jpg}} **General** **Program Author** Lets you add your own name, which is then added into the .APP file. **Default Icon** Press the ellipsis button to select an icon to use as the program icon. You may also specify a variable name here by prefacing the variable with an exclamation point (!). The templates implement the use of [[property expressions.htm#built-in variables|SYSTEM]] {PROP:Icon}. **Use Field Description as MSG() when MSG() is Blank** Check this box to tell the Application Generator to use field descriptions from the [[softvelocity datadictionary editor fieldeditor.htm|Field Properties]] dialog as the default [[msg set status bar message .htm|MSG]] attribute. **Generate Template global data and ABC's as EXTERNAL** Adds the EXTERNAL attribute to the global variable declarations generated by the templates, and the DLL attribute to any CLASS declarations generated by the templates. This means your program relies on an external library to allocate memory for these variables and objects, and to export them so your program can access them. You should add the EXTERNAL and DLL attributes to get the same effect for any global variables or classes you declare. See the //Language Reference// for more information on these attributes. {{notebox.jpg|NoteBox.jpg}} If you create a program that consists of more than one AppGen created DLL, you should check the Generate Global Data as EXTERNAL box for all the applications except one. See the //User's Guide--Development and Deployment Strategies//. **External Globals and ABC's Source Module** Specify whether the external library is dynamically or statically linked. This sets the //flag //parameter of the DLL attribute for template generated class declarations. See the //Language Reference// for more information on the [[dll set procedure defined externally in dll .htm|DLL]] attribute. **Generate Embed Comments** Check this box to generate identifying comments surrounding all embedded source code. **Non Volatile Storage Settings** The Clarion and ABC Templates non volatile storage support the use of .INI (standard windows initialization) files or the system registry. These are mediums that store information for an application between sessions. One use for non volatile storage is to store the user's preferred window positions for the next session. Another use is to save program configuration settings between sessions. Clarion's procedure templates let you do both automatically when you enable non volatile storage support. **Location** Choose between //INI file// and //System Registry//. Selecting INI File will Enable the INI File Options button: **INI File Options:** **.INI File to use** Specify whether to use the default.INI file name. By default, the application creates the .INI file with the same file name as your application. To use another name select the //Other// choice from the drop down list. **Other File Name** Specify another .INI file name other than the default. You may specify a variable, a full pathname, no path, or a path of (.\) to generate the INI file as shown below. | __**Other File Name**__ | __**Resulting INI File Location**__ | | !variable | (The contents of the variable specified) | | C:\programs\payroll.ini | c:programs\payroll.ini | | payroll.ini | (windows system directory)\payroll.ini | | .\payroll.ini | (current directory)\payroll.ini | **Location of "Program Name.INI" File** **Use App Directory** Check this option to direct your INI file to be located in your application directory. **CSIDL Folder** Check this option to direct your INI file to be located to a designated CSIDL location. {{notebox.jpg|NoteBox.jpg}} See the [[csidl support.htm|CSIDL Support]] topic for detailed information. **CSIDL Folder** Select from one of 5 CSIDL locations. These locations are documented in the [[csidl support.htm|CSIDL Support]] topic. **Company Name SubFolder** Specify a sub-folder name to attach to the CSIDL folder. **Product Name SubFolder** Specify a sub-folder name to attach to the //Company Name// folder. If the //Company Name// subfolder is blank, the //Product Name// subfolder is attached to the CSIDL location. **Create folders if they don't exist** Check this box to allow the templates to create the designated sub folders if they do not exist. **Registry Options** **App Registry Key** Enter the name of the key whose value is to be queried. This may contain a path separated by backslash '\' characters. Example: SOFTWARE\SoftVelocity\Clarion7 **Registry Root** Use the drop list to select a valid registry root where your registry key will be located. **For more information as to which registry root may bge applicable to your application, please see the following Microsoft Support topic:** **[[http://support.microsoft.com/kb/256986|Windows registry information for advanced users]]** **Disable Save/Restore Window Locations** Check this box if you would like to omit the last window size and position from being stored in the non-volatile storage source for all window structures in your application. You can locally enable only the windows that you want to maintain at the target procedure level. **Preserve** Once you've enabled INI support, the ABC Templates automatically save and restore the values of designated global variables. This provides a simple mechanism for saving and reapplying end user preferences or program configuration options. Press the Data button in the Global Properties dialog to define your global variables, and then press the Preserve button to designate selected variables to automatically save and restore. In the Preserve dialog window, you have the standard buttons available **Insert**, **Delete**, or examine and modify (**Properties**) the preserved variable. You can also move the variables up and down in the list. **Enable Exception Message with Procedure Stack** Check this option to activate an alternative runtime exception dialog that contains extended stack information. You should only need to do this if you have a reproducible exception at runtime and are requested by the SoftVelocity development team to provide this information. **Enable Run-Time Translation** Generates code to translate window text based on the translation strings defined by default in the ABUTIL.TRN file. See [[translatorclass.htm|Translator Class]] for more information. **Enable Fuzzy Matching** Check this box to generate the necessary objects to support the BrowseFuzzyMatching control template. **Fuzzy Matching Options** **Ignore Case** Check this box to enable all fuzzy searches in your application to be case insensitive. This can be overridden individually. See //FuzzyClass- [[setoption set fuzzymatch options .htm|SetOption]] //method for** **more information. **Word Only** Check this box to enable all fuzzy searches in your application to search on whole words only. This can be overridden individually. See //FuzzyClass- SetOption //method for more information. {{black.jpg|black.jpg}} **App Settings** **Use Legacy Button Margins Compatibility** Sets the RTL to use the legacy drawing algorithm (prior to C8.9119). \\ The code generated to enable this is:\\ SYSTEM {PROP:Compatibility} = BOR (4, SYSTEM {PROP:Compatibility}) **Application Manifest** Press this button to access [[tplxpvistamanifestglobal.htm|manifest options]] including Execution Levels and UI Access. **Extended UI** Press this button to access the [[extended ui.htm|Extended UI]] interface. **Provide visual indicators on control with focus** This check box refers to certain input controls that will change color when you select them. Check this box to enable the **Set Visual Indicators** button, which allows you to designate the controls and colors to use with this feature. **Field Navigation** **Use ENTER Instead Tab** The TAB key is the standard key press in Windows for moving from control to control. If you wish to replace this with the ENTER key (the DOS standard), check this box. In addition, the DownKey/EnterKey now works as the TabKey, and the UpKey now works as ShiftTab for moving to the previous control. The ENTRY, SPIN, DROPCOMBO & COMBO controls use the standard remapping described above. For the LIST & DROPLIST controls: The EnterKey works as the TabKey. The setting to enable the RightKey to work as the TabKey and the LeftKey to work as ShiftTab is local to the procedure (Disable Left/Right Key on List controls). For BUTTON controls, the DownKey and RightKey works as the TabKey, and the UpKey and LeftKey work as ShiftTab For RADIO controls, the EnterKey works as the TabKey. For CHECK controls: The EnterKey,DownKey and RightKey work as the TabKey, and the UpKey and LeftKey work as the ShiftTab. **Exclude Controls** Press this button to designate special controls that will NOT use the ENTER key for navigation. **Default Action** Choose //Enable// to turn on Field Navigation for all procedures by default. Choose //Disable// to turn off Field Navigation by default. This settings can be overridden on the procedure level. Choose //Runtime// to enable or disable the Field Navigation feature based on the **Default Value** expression. **Default Value** Enter an expression to use to evaluate at runtime whether or not Field Navigation will be available. Press the **E **button to call the Expression Editor. This dialog is used to help you construct syntactically correct expressions to use in the appropriate prompt. **Report Preview Mode (Clarion chain only)** Select the type of Print Preview you wish to use in your applications. Click on **ABC Class** to use the Preview Class used in the ABC template chain, or click **Procedure** to use a default preview procedure found in the Clarion template chain. If **Procedure** is selected, accept the **Default Report Preview** procedure used by the Clarion template chain, or enter an alternate procedure name (one that you have modified, or obtained from a third-party source.) **Extended Browse Options** **LIST/DROP/COMBO Line (Height)** Preset your list box line height for all LIST, DROP and COMBO controls. {{notebox.jpg|NoteBox.jpg}} This setting only affects the controls' behavior at runtime, not in the Designer session or Window Previewer. **Enable Auto Size BrowseBox Columns** Check this box to enable the auto resize column feature. At runtime, double-click on the right line of any column and it will automatically resize to fit the data contents. You can disable this feature in the local Browse procedure settings. **Enable List Format Manager** Check this box to enable the [[tplapplication appsettings lfm.htm|List Format Manager]] button. **Browse Active Invisible (Clarion Templates Only)** The "**Active Invisible" **property indicates whether to fill or refill the browse queue when the browse LIST is "invisible" because it is on a non-selected TAB or is otherwise hidden. Check this box to refill the queue when the LIST is invisible; and uncheck to suppress the refill. Turning off Active Invisible improves performance for procedures with "invisible" browse lists; however, buffer contents for the invisible browse list are not current and should not be relied upon. **Enable Rebase (DLL Applications Only)** Check this box to enable the Image Base Memory Address button, which provides rebasing options for this DLL target application. {{blk2blue.jpg|blk2blue.jpg}} **File Control** The **File Control **dialog lets you override some of the settings in your dictionary, as well as define how procedures will access files. You can specify file attributes for all files, or individually. **Generate all file declarations** Generates all file declarations in the dictionary, even if not specified in any procedure's Data / Tables Pad. **When done with a file (Clarion templates only)** Specifies whether the application automatically closes each file when a procedure is finished. {{tipbox.jpg|TipBox.jpg}} One way in which you can design your application to be a "well-behaved" Windows application is not to hog system resources. You can return file handles not in use by checking this box. **Enclose RI code in transaction frame** Enables rollback of data if an update fails. {{tipbox.jpg|TipBox.jpg}} If all files in a relation chain use the same file system, and the file system supports transaction framing, and you do not want transaction framing around the RI code, you must clear the check box here, and choose No for //each// file on the Individual File Overrides tab. **Issue template warning if LOGOUT() not allowed (Clarion templates ONLY)** Enables a compile time warning when your data dictionary includes a file driver which does not support the LOGOUT() function. You should clear this check box for drivers such as dBase III. **See Also:** [[database drivers.htm|Database Drivers]]. **Seconds for RECOVER** Specifies the number of seconds to wait before invoking the RECOVER process. This is applicable only to Clarion files. **File Attributes** **Threaded** Specifies whether the application generator adds the [[thread set thread specific memory allocation .htm|THREAD]] attribute to FILE structures. THREAD is needed for MDI browse and form procedures to prevent record buffer conflicts when the end user changes focus from one thread to another. **Use File Setting** Sets the THREAD attribute according to the data dictionary. **All Threaded** Adds the THREAD attribute to each FILE. **None Threaded** Omits the THREAD attribute for each FILE. **Create** Specifies whether your application should allow the creation of a data file should it not exist. Adds the [[create allow data file creation .htm|CREATE]] attribute to the FILE structure. **Use File Setting** Sets the CREATE attribute according to the data dictionary. **Create All** Adds the CREATE attribute to each FILE. **Create None** Omits the CREATE attribute for each FILE. **External** Specifies whether the application generator adds the [[external set defined externally .htm|EXTERNAL]] attribute to FILE structures. EXTERNAL specifies the memory for the FILE's record buffer is allocated by an external library. **None External** Omits the EXTERNAL attribute from all file declarations. **All External** Adds the EXTERNAL attribute to all file declarations //and //lets you specify the **Declaring Module** and whether **All files are declared in another .APP.** {{notebox.jpg|NoteBox.jpg}} When using EXTERNAL to declare a FILE shared by multiple libraries (.LIBs, or .DLLs and .EXE), only one library should define the FILE without the EXTERNAL attribute. This ensures that there is only one record buffer allocated for the FILE and all the libraries and the .EXE will reference the same memory when referring to data elements from that FILE. **Generate File Declarations in Modules** This checkbox is valid (enabled) when global data and file declarations are local to the application (EXE/DLL target with no external files). When this check box is on (checked), file declarations are created in separate source files (similar to the ABC FileManager methods which are located in "base class" (BC) files). These source files use a FC//x//.CLW naming convention (e.g., //myappFC0.CLW// - the first five letters of the application name are prepended to the source file name). All file declarations in the main module are then declared with the [[external set defined externally .htm|EXTERNAL]]('') attribute. This option also generates all defined //global// data in other source files as follows: //myapp//GLO.CLW stores the global data as it is defined in the main PROGRAM module. //myapp//GLF.CLW stores the same global data but with the EXTERNAL attribute added. where //myapp// is the first five letters of the application name. In the main program module, an INCLUDE for //myapp//GLF.CLW is generated. If any global data is marked as [[softvelocity datadictionary editor tableeditor.htm|Generate Last]] in the data dictionary, these data elements are defined appropriately in the program's main module only. The default value on how many files are declared in each GL//n//.CLW module is set by a global template symbol //%FilesPerFCModule// using a default value of 100 files per module. {{tipbox.jpg|TipBox.jpg}} This option is essential for large applications using more than 500 files, but any application can use this option to better organize file and global data declarations. Use the **Generate Last **option only for variables that require it. **Export all File Declarations** Checking this box tells the Application Generator to add the file information to the Export file. This is only available when the project's **Target Type **is a DLL and you specify **None External **(see above)**.** **Declaring Module** The filename (without extension) of the MEMBER module containing the FILE definition without the EXTERNAL attribute. If the FILE is defined in a PROGRAM module, leave this field blank. **All files are declared in another .APP** Checking this box tells the Application Generator that the files are declared in another APP (rather than hand code). Application Generator adds the EXTERNAL flag on the File:Open flag (that controls CheckOpen), ensuring that files are opened and closed at the right time, thereby preserving the integrity of the file data buffers. {{black.jpg|black.jpg}} **Enable Triggers Support (CLARION Template Chain Only)** Check this box to enable the Dictionary Triggers support that is part of the ABC Class FileManager. See the topic on [[softvelocity datadictionary editor triggereditor.htm|Dictionary Triggers]] for more information. {{black.jpg|black.jpg}} **File Access** **File Open Mode** Specifies how your application opens files. **Open** Opens files as Read/Write(primary user) + Deny Write(all other users). **Share** Opens files as Read/Write(primary user) + Deny None(all other users). **Other** Specify a custom combination of primary user + other user access. **User Access** Choose from Read Only, Write Only, or Read and Write. **Other Access** Choose from Deny None, Deny All, Deny Read, Deny Write, or Any Access (FCB compatibility mode). {{blk2blue.jpg|blk2blue.jpg}} **Individual File Overrides** Select the **Individual File Overrides** tab to override data dictionary settings for individual files in the data dictionary. Highlight the file whose attributes you want to change, then press the **Properties **button. The prompts on this tab mirror those on the [[global properties.htm#tplapplication filecontrolflags|File Control]]** **tab, and they behave exactly the same way, with these exceptions. ·The settings here apply only to the single file selected. ·Each drop-down list provides an additional choice: //Use Default. Use Default// sets the attribute according to the **File Control **tab. **File Manager Options for ****//Filename//** Press this button to display the File Manager Options dialog. You may derive your own new methods or properties for the File Manager Class, or you may specify your own third party class to override the default File Manager Class. **Relation Manager Options for ****//Filename//** Press this button to display the Relation Manager Options dialog. You may derive your own new methods or properties for the Relation Manager Class, or you may specify your own third party class to override the default Relation Manager Class. **File Attributes** These settings reflect the same settings found on the **File Control** tab, but apply only to the individual file currently selected. **File Declaration Mode** Select from the drop down list one of the four following options. The table in which you are overriding properties for will be generated as a FILE, QUEUE, or GROUP. **Use User Options** The table is generated based on the user options defined in the dictionary. The user options can be set to DATA,QUEUE or DATA,GROUP. This will cause the table to be generated as a QUEUE or GROUP respectively. No user options will cause the table to be generated as a FILE.** **The **File Access **prompts for **User Options** are the same as the prompts on the **File Control** tab. **As FILE** The table will be generated as a FILE structure. The File Access prompts for User Options are the same as the prompts on the File Control tab. **As GROUP** The table will be generated as a GROUP structure with the possibility of the attributes below. **THREAD** Check this box to add the THREAD attribute to the GROUP structure. **BINDABLE** Check this box to add the BINDABLE attribute to the GROUP structure. **NAME** Specifies the value of the NAME attribute added to the GROUP structure. **OVER** Specifies the value of the OVER attribute added to the GROUP structure. **TYPE** Check this box to add the TYPE attribute to the GROUP structure. **As QUEUE** The table will be generated as a QUEUE structure with the possibility of the attributes below. **THREAD** Check this box to add the THREAD attribute to the QUEUE structure. **BINDABLE** Check this box to add the BINDABLE attribute to the QUEUE structure. **NAME** Specifies the value of the NAME attribute added to the QUEUE structure. **OVER** Specifies the value of the OVER attribute added to the QUEUE structure. **File Access** **File Open Mode** Specifies how your application shares files among concurrent users. See the //Language Reference //for more information. **Open**   -  Opens file as: Read/Write (primary user) + Deny Write (all other users). **Share  - **Opens files as: Read/Write (primary user) + Deny None (all other users). **Other  - **Specify a custom combination of primary user + other user access. **User Access** Choose from Read Only, Write Only, or Read and Write. **Other Access** Choose from //Deny None//, //Deny All//, //Deny Read//, //Deny Write//, or //Any Access// (FCB Compatibility mode). **Defer Opening Files until accessed** Specifies when your application opens related files. Select Yes to delay opening the file until it is accessed. Delaying the open can improve performance when accessing only one of a series of related files. Select No to open the file immediately whenever a related file is opened. See //File Manager Class// ' //Lazy Open //and //Use File// for more information. {{blk2blue.jpg|blk2blue.jpg}} **File Access Data Path** **Data Files Path (ABC Tempate Chain Only)** **Set System{Prop:DataPath} to this location** You can specify that your data files used in this application be located in an alternative location. All files with unqualified file names (e.g., those files with no NAME attribute or a NAME with only a relative path) will be looked for in the directory specified. **Data Path Folder** Choose from one of the following: //Use same CSIDL value as set for INI file// This option uses the CSIDL settings set in the **Global Properties > Actions > General** dialog. //Specify a different CSIDL value// Enables the following options. {{notebox.jpg|NoteBox.jpg}} See the [[csidl support.htm|CSIDL Support]] topic for detailed information. **CSIDL Folder** Select from one of 5 CSIDL locations. These locations are documented in the [[csidl support.htm|CSIDL Support]] topic. **Company Name SubFolder** Specify a sub-folder name to attach to the CSIDL folder. **Product Name SubFolder** Specify a sub-folder name to attach to the //Company Name// folder. If the //Company Name// subfolder is blank, the //Product Name// subfolder is attached to the CSIDL location. **Create folders if they don't exist** Check this box to allow the templates to create the designated sub folders if they do not exist. //Specify a Folder// Enables an Enter Folder option, allowing you to enter your own custom folder location. {{blk2blue.jpg|blk2blue.jpg}} **External Module Options** Select the **External Module Options** tab to set options associated with your application's external modules. This tab is only available when your application contains an external module (LIB or DLL). Select the external module whose attributes you want to change, then press the **Properties **button. **Standard Clarion 6 LIB/DLL** Check this box if the LIB or DLL is produced by the ABC Templates or a similar coding scheme. Checking the box generates code to initialize and shut down global objects used by the LIB or DLL. If it is a hand-coded LIB or DLL you should probably clear this box. {{blk2blue.jpg|blk2blue.jpg}} **Global Objects** This tab lets you specify the default object names the global objects used in an application. You can also specify the default classes to be used for the global objects. **Don't generate globals** Check this box to not generate any global data for the application. This includes FILEs and object declarations. It allows you to generate one DLL that is shared by all applications. **Error Manager** Press this button to display the Error Manager classes dialog. You may derive your own new methods or properties for the Error Manager Class, or you may specify your own third party class to override the default Error Manager Class. **INI File Manager** Press this button to display the INI File Manager classes dialog. You may derive your own new methods or properties for the INI File Manager Class, or you may specify your own third party class to override the default INI File Manager Class. **Run-time Translator** Press this button to display the Run-time Translator classes dialog. You may derive your own new methods or properties for the Run-time Translator Class, or you may specify your own third party class to override the default Run-time Translator Class. (Checking the Run-time translation check box on the General Tab enables this button.) **Fuzzy Matcher** Press this button to display the Fuzzy Matcher classes dialog. You may derive your own new methods or properties for the FuzzyClass, or you may specify your own third party class to override the default Fuzzy Matcher class. (Checking the Enable Fuzzy Matching check box on the General Tab enables this button.) {{blk2blue.jpg|blk2blue.jpg}} **Classes** **Enable the use of ABC Classes (Clarion Family Only)** Check this box to allow the ABC Classes to be used with the Clarion template family. This is required for certain templates that are used in both families that reference ABC Classes. The default is on (checked). The classes enabled by this check box are listed in the Default Classes group, and include all classes regarding edit-in-place, reports, and calendar support. **Refresh Application Builder Class Information** Press this button if you have changed the contents of or added an include file (.INC) to the \LIBSRC directory. Typically, this is needed when you install third party products that use ABC compliant classes, although you may create your own ABC compliant classes too. The ABC Templates use information gleaned from the header files for generating embed points, loading the Application Builder Class Viewer, application conversion, etc. **Application Builder Class Viewer** Press this button to display classes, properties, and methods used by the ABC Templates, and the relationships between parent and derived (child) classes. This utility can help you analyze and understand the classes that the ABC Templates use. __ABC Library Files__TPLApplication_ABC_Library **Task Grouping Buttons** Each task-grouping button identifies tasks or types of tasks the ABC Templates accomplish. Each button lets you specify the class or classes the ABC Templates use to accomplish the tasks named by the button's text. Following are the ABC Template tasks and their associated default classes. **General Tasks** This window allows you to specify the name of the Class that handles certain tasks in your application. You may specify alternate classes by typing the class name in the corresponding entry field. The class you name must be an ABC compliant class. The Configure buttons allow you to set options that affect the behavior of the named class. **Configure WindowManager** **Reset on gain focus** Check this box to make the WindowManager unconditionally reset whenever the window receives focus. Clear the box to allow a conditional reset (reset only if circumstances demand, for example, when the end user invokes a new BrowseBox sort order or invokes a BrowseBox locator). **Auto Tool Bar** Check this box to make the WindowManager try to set the appropriate ToolbarTarget whenever the end user selects a new TAB control. Clear the box to manually set the ToolbarTarget or use the current ToolbarTarget. **Auto Refresh** Check this box to make the WindowManager automatically reset the window and its associated objects whenever it detects a change. The WindowManager checks for changes after it processes each event. AutoRefresh is particularly useful when the resetting of a Browse Box changes a field which is a range-limit of another Browse Box. **Configure ErrorManager** **Default Error Category** Specify a default error category for errors that do not have their own category. The default is ABC. **Allow Select & Copy of Message Text** Check this box to allow your users to highlight, copy and paste message text of posted error to the clipboard for relaying the information to the appropriate parties.. **Store Error History** Check this box to save error history to be viewed at a later time during the session. **Limit Stored History** Check this box to limit the number of history items the history queue can hold at a single instance. **History Threshold Limit** Specifies the maximum number of items to hold in history. This is available if **Limit Stored History** is checked. **View Trigger level** Select an error severity level from the drop-down list. When the error level occurs the action is recorded to history. The available error levels are Level:Benign, Level:Cancel, Level:Notify, Level:User, Level:Program, and Level:Fatal. **Configure Resizer** **Automatically find parent controls** Check this box to make each Resizer object set parent/child relationships among window controls. Clearing the box makes the WINDOW the parent of all its controls. Setting parent/child relationships lets any special scaling cascade from parent to child. **Optimize Moves** Check this box to move all controls at once during the resize operation, producing a snappier resize and avoiding bugs on some windows. **Optimize Redraws** Check this box to make controls transparent (TRN attribute) during the resize operation, producing a smoother redraw and avoiding bugs on some windows. **Configure Run-time Translator** **Extract Filename** Specify a filename to receive a list of all runtime text that may require translation for multi-language applications. This is only available if you have checked Enable Run-Time Translation in the Application's Global Properties. **Configure Calendar** **Change Default Color** Check this box to allow you to ioverride the default colors of the selected CalendarClass. You can change the color for Sunday, Saturday, Holiday, and all Other dates. **Action for Close Button** Each Calendar Class has a default Select and a default Close button. If you would like both buttons to return the current date selected, choose //Select and Close// from the drop list. If you only want the Select button to return the date, choose //Cancel// from the drop list. **File Management Tasks** **Browse Tasks** This window allows you to specify the names of the Classes which handles certain tasks in your application's browse procedures. You may specify alternate classes by typing the class name in the corresponding entry field, or select a class name in the drop list provided. The class you name must be an ABC compliant class. The **Configure** button allows you to set options that affect the behavior of the Browser class. Additional browser related classes are configured by selecting the appropriate tab control at the bottom of this dialog window. The classes that you can configure at the time of this release are EIP (Edit-In-Place), QBE (Query-By Example), Step and Locator Managers, and Others (which include Fuzzy, Grid, and Sidebar Managers). {{notebox.jpg|NoteBox.jpg}} The EIP Configuration has a special Template Interface prompt which controls the level of configuration that you can apply to your target browse. Select //Original// to control EIP behavior with limited template prompt control. Select //Detailed// for more specific control for each column that has EIP enabled. For more information concerning these classes, refer to the [[abc library reference.htm|ABC Library Reference]]. **Configure Browser** **Active Invisible** Check this box to fill the browse queue even when the browse LIST is "invisible" because it is on a non-selected TAB or is otherwise hidden. This improves performance for procedures with invisible browse lists; however, buffer contents for the invisible browse list should not be relied upon. Clear the box to suppress the refill when the listbox is hidden. **Allow Unfilled** Check this box to allow a partially filled LIST when the result set "ends" in mid-list. This improves (SQL) performance by suppressing additional reads needed to fill the list. Clear the box to always display a "full" list. **Retain Row** Check this box to maintain the highlight bar in the same list row following a change in sort order, an update, or other browse refresh action. Clear the box to allow the highlight bar to move. **Process & Report Tasks** This window allows you to specify the name of the Class which handles certain tasks in your application. You may specify alternate classes by typing the class name in the corresponding entry field. The class you name must be an ABC compliant class. **Ascii Viewer Tasks** This window allows you to specify the name of the Class which handles certain tasks in your application. You may specify alternate classes by typing the class name in the corresponding entry field. The class you name must be an ABC compliant class. **Toolbar Manager Tasks** This window allows you to specify the name of the Class which handles certain tasks in your application. You may specify alternate classes by typing the class name in the corresponding entry field. The class you name must be an ABC compliant class. **ABC Library Files** This dialog allows the ABC libraries to be linked in to the application, linked in as an external DLL, or linked in as an external library. If you choose external DLL or external library, the external library base name must be specified. {{blk2blue.jpg|blk2blue.jpg}} **Clarion Version Information** This tab displays the latest version and family information for the active template set. This information is useful for your own documentation and SoftVelocity Technical Support for reporting purposes.