| **Navigation:**  [[introduction.htm|Language Reference]] > App D - Error Codes >====== Extended ERRORCODE 47 Errors ====== | [[xml errorcodes.htm|{{btn_prev_n.gif|Previous page}}]][[introduction.htm|{{btn_home_n.gif|Return to chapter overview}}]][[run time errors.htm|{{btn_next_n.gif|Next page}}]] | | || When an ERRORCODE value of 47 is returned ('Invalid File Declaration'), you can use the FILEERRORCODE statement to check for more information. FILEERRORCODE returns a string in the following format **"obj : index : property : errorcode"** //obj//   is one of SYSTEM, FILE, FIELD, MEMO/BLOB, KEY, or COMPONENT //index//   the ordinal of the object in the parent (1 based). //property //the name of the property that is invalid //errorcode //the format //Snumber// or //Dnumber// Below is a table of extended error codes, with their corresponding CLAMSG number, default error message, and notes //Dnumber// indicates a **driver specific** error code //Snumber// indicates a **general** error code Below is a table of //Snumber// error codes, with their corresponding CLAMSG number, default error message and notes | **Object** | **ErrorCode** | **CLAMSG number** | **Error Message** | **Notes** | | SYSTEM | S00001 | 100000l | Internal Error: Property cannot be set | You should never see this. It indicates a bug in the runtime library. | | | S00002 | 1000002 | Dynamic File Support Not Found | You are trying to change the driver of a static file without having the Dynamic File Driver support library present.This error code is returned byfile{PROP:Driver} = 'value'. | | FILE | S0000l | 110000l | No File Driver Specified | | | | S00002 | 1100002 | File Driver could not be loaded | The system could not load the file driver DLL. Probably because it is not on the path | | | S00003 | 1100003 | The DLL is not a valid file driver | This normally indicates a corrupt file driver | | | S00004 | 1100004 | File Driver not defined | The value specified in file{PROP:Driver} does not match any know driver. If you have a third party file driver you may need to add an entry to the list of drivers stored in the windows registry at"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\SoftVelocity\AnyDriver\\Cla" | | | S00005 | 1100005 | The record structure is greater than 4,194,304 bytes in size | | | FIELD | S0000l | 120000l | Not a Valid Clarion Label | | | | S00002 | 1200002 | Duplicate Label | | | | S00003 | 1200003 | No Type Specified | | | | S00004 | 1200004 | Type requires a size and no size specified | | | | S00005 | 1200005 | The Group has more fields than has been defined | You have not defined enough fields in the file to fill the group based onthe file{PROP:Fields, n} value set for this group | | | S00006 | 1200006 | More Decimal Places than specified size | | | | S00007 | 1200007 | Size is too big | | | | S00008 | 1200008 | Field Count not specified for a GROUP field | | | | S00009 | 1200009 | Field must be over a field defined before the field | | | | S000l0 | 12000l0 | The Group is greater than 4,194,304 bytes in size | | | | S000l1 | 12000l1 | The Field is greater than 4,190,208 bytes in size | | | | S000l2 | 12000l2 | Field is larger than the field that it is over | | | | S000l3 | 12000l3 | Invalid Picture | | | | S000l4 | 12000l4 | Field cannot be over a field inside another GROUP | | | KEY | S0000l | 130000l | Not a Valid Clarion Label | | | | S00002 | 1300002 | Duplicate Label | | | | S00003 | 1300003 | Type set to 'KEY', but no fields specified | | | | S00004 | 1300004 | Key is defined as PRIMARY and DUP | | | COMPONENT | S0000l | 140000l | Component number is greater than the number of fields in the filestructure | | | | S00002 | 1400002 | Component is a dimensioned field | | | MEMO/BLOB | S0000l | 130000l | Not a Valid Clarion Label | | | | S00002 | 1300002 | Duplicate Label | | | | S00003 | 1500003 | No Size Specified for a MEMO | | Below is a table of //Dnumber// error codes, with their corresponding CLAMSG number, default error message | **Object** | **ErrorCode** | **CLAMSG number** | **Error Message** | | FILE | D0000l | 210000l | Component does not match physical file structure | | FIELD | D0000l | 220000l | Component does not match physical file structure | | | D00002 | 2200002 | No Name or Label Specified | | | D00003 | 2200003 | Data type not supported | | | D0004 | 2200004 | Number of dimensions is greater than that supported by the file driver | | | D0005 | 2200005 | Field is larger than the maximum supported by the file driver | | KEY | D0000l | 230000l | Component does not match physical file structure | | | D00002 | 2300002 | No Name or Label Specified | | | D00003 | 2300003 | Too Many Keys defined | | COMPONENT | D0000l | 240000l | Component does not match physical file structure | | | D00002 | 2400002 | Driver does not support Descending Key Components | | | D00003 | 2400003 | Driver does not support mixed Ascending and Descending Key Components | | MEMO/BLOB | D0000l | 250000l | Component does not match physical file structure | | | D00002 | 2500002 | No Name or Label Specified | | | D00003 | 2500003 | Too Many Memos defined | | | D00004 | 2500004 | Memo is larger than the maximum size supported by the file driver | | | D00005 | 2500005 | Driver does not support BLOBs | | | D00006 | 2500006 | Driver does not support MEMOs | | | D00007 | 2500007 | Driver does not support BINARY memos or blobs | Below is an error code specific to the ODBC driver, with corresponding CLAMSG number, and default error message. | **Object** | **ErrorCode** | **CLAMSG number** | **Error Message** | | FIELD | D03101 | 2203101 | You are using an unsigned data type with an ODBC 1.0 backend | Below is an error code specific to the Oracle driver, with corresponding CLAMSG number, and default error message. | **Object** | **ErrorCode** | **CLAMSG number** | **Error Message** | | MEMO/BLOB | D03201 | 253201 | BLOB fields are not supported on Oracle v7 or earlier | Below is an error code specific to the TopSpeed driver, with corresponding CLAMSG number, and default error message and notes. | **Object** | **ErrorCode** | **CLAMSG number** | **Error Message** | **Notes** | | FILE | D00102 | 2100102 | You are attempting to open a newer TopSpeed file format than the driver supports | At present this error code can never occur. This error code may occur in the future if the TopSpeed file format changes and you attempt to open a new format file with the current driver |