| **Navigation:**  Project System > Project Properties - Clarion Win32 >====== Application ====== | [[global options compile options dialogs.htm|{{btn_prev_n.gif|Previous page}}]][[coming future.htm|{{btn_home_n.gif|Return to chapter overview}}]][[icsharpcode sharpdevelop gui optionpanels buildevents.htm|{{btn_next_n.gif|Next page}}]] | | || | **Configuration** | Specify which Project configuration options you wish to set. Select //Debug// or //Release// from the drop list provided. | | **Platform** | Current default is Win32 | | **Target Name** | The output filename of the project. The Project System will use the description next to the Project name in the Project View tree list. It will also be the default project target filename (<;//output name//.//output.type//>). Macros are allowed, but only %V%, %X% and %L%. | | **Output Path** | The default target is based on the Project folder name and Build Configuration (e.g., //<;projectfolder>\debug// or //<;projectfolder>\release//). Use this option to specify an alternative target path where the target EXE, LIB, or DLL will be copied to. The only time you might want to use this is if you want to temporarily output a program you are creating to a different directory to preserve an old executable. | | **Output Type** | Specify the type of executable file: choose **.EXE, .LIB**, or **.DLL** from the **Target Type** drop down list.{{notebox.jpg|NoteBox.jpg}}When changing the output type for an application, make sure that the application is opened in the Application Generator. | | **Link Mode** | Specifies how the runtime library is called by the target file: choose **//DLL//**** ****//LIB//**, or **//CustomDLL//**// //from the **Link Mode** drop down list.: | | //DLL// | Uses the Clarion runtime library DLL (and database driver(s) .DLLs). It is called **ClaRUN.DLL**. | | //LIB// | Links the runtime library and any database drivers into your executable using Smart Method Linking (only the necessary portions are linked in). This creates a "one-piece" executable. | | //CustomDLL// | Specifies that another External DLL contains the runtime libraries and database drivers. //CustomDll// means that all of the Clarion runtime DLLs have been built into a DLL that the user (you) has provided. As such no file drivers can be linked into the project. //CustomDLL// is essentially useless for template driven applications unless its your own custom template chain that doesn't add any of the Clarion drivers. The //CustomDll// setting is best suited for hand coders.The calls to this DLL must be exported. | | | | | **Encoding** | ansi - the compiler treats the source code as ANSI encodedutf8 - the compiler treats the source code as UTF-8 encoded ** if your source code includes Unicode string literals or labels choose this option)unicode - the compiler treats the source code as Unicode 16bit encodedSetting the Encoding at the Project level is equivalent to:#pragma module(encoding=>xxx)pragma (xxx is one following values - "ansi", "utf8" or "unicode", without quotes), the compiler uses this setting without looking for the Byte Order Marker (BOM). This pragma can be set in the project only, it is ignored if used with the PRAGMA directive in source code. If the pragma is not set, the Compiler tries to detect the encoding by looking the BOM sequence. If BOM is not present, the compiler scans the first line. If this line contains Unicode characters 0x0020, 0x000D or 0x000A, the compiler treats the source file as encoded in UTF-16. If the first line contains the "magic" comment:\\**!UTF8**as the 1st non-space character, the compiler treats this source file as encoded in UTF-8. Otherwise, the source file is considered as ANSI.If the source file is not ANSI, it's better if it has the BOM because the pragma is either affect all files, or, if it is set for a particular source file in the project, it does not affect INCLUDE files. | | **Application icon** | By inserting .ICO files after the Application icon item, you can link the icons into your executable so they do not have to be shipped separately. | | **Project Information** | Displays** **the **Project folder**, **Project file** and **Output name**. These items are read-only. |