| **Navigation:**  [[clarion.htm|Clarion.Net (Clarion#)]] > [[clarion ide tools.htm|Clarion# IDE Tools]] > Clarion.NET Designers >====== Common Designer Components ====== | [[clarion net designers.htm|{{btn_prev_n.gif|Previous page}}]][[clarion ide tools.htm|{{btn_home_n.gif|Return to chapter overview}}]][[exiting the clarion net designers and saving undo.htm|{{btn_next_n.gif|Next page}}]] | | || **Designer Components:** **Toolbox** The Toolbox contains a list of all valid controls available for the active window or report. There are five categories. The **Windows Forms** category contains the native .NET controls available. The Data category Controls can also be populated from the Data Sources View, and automatically binds that control to the target data element. See the **Data Sources** topic for more information. **Design Area** This is the area where the visual window and associated controls are populated. **Component Area** This is the area where non-visual components are located. Clicking on the target component displays associated properties in the Property View. **Property View** Contains a detailed list of all property and events associated with the active highlighted control or window. **Events** {{eventbut.jpg|eventbut.jpg}} To access the active control or window's available events, click on the lightning bolt button found in the property View toolbar. **Alignment Toolbar** A series of alignment options are located in the toolbar located at the top of the Design Area. Click [[using the window formatter align toolbox.htm|here]] to see more information regarding these options.