| **Navigation:**  [[clarion ide.htm|Development Environment (IDE)]] > General Setup and Navigation > Configuration Options > Clarion > Clarion for Windows >====== Tools Options: Clarion - Clarion for Windows - General ====== | [[softvelocity clarionnet binding optionpanels clarionnetversionoptionspanel.htm|{{btn_prev_n.gif|Previous page}}]][[clarion ide.htm|{{btn_home_n.gif|Return to chapter overview}}]][[clarion gui clarionwindowsversionsoptionspanel.htm|{{btn_next_n.gif|Next page}}]] | | || **Project Parsing** If you wish to improve the initial load time of your active solution you have three project parsing options: //Parse all projects in the Solution// Ideal for single and smaller multi-project solutions. Use one of the other options below for larger multi-project solutions. //Parse all hand-coded projects in the solution and only applications opened for editing// When a solution contains a mix of applications and hand coded projects, use this option to effectively manage only your hand-coded projects and applications opened in the Application Editor. The **Use lightweight parsing mode** (enabled by default) is used only if project parsing is set to //Parse all hand-coded projects and only applications opened for editing//. If enabled only the PROGRAM file will be parsed on project reparsing to get global information for code completion. Each MEMBER file will be parsed //only// when a procedure located in the MEMBER file is opened for editing. //Disable project parsing// Disables all parsing of projects in the active solution. Turning this option off will also disable any code completion options that may be active. **Copy Referenced DLLs to Output Directory Defaults to ON** This option controls the default project setting for automatically copying referenced DLLs to the output directory.