| **Navigation:**  [[introduction.htm|Language Reference]] > 13 - Built-in Functions >====== Built-in Functions ====== | [[return return to caller .htm|{{btn_prev_n.gif|Previous page}}]][[introduction.htm|{{btn_home_n.gif|Return to chapter overview}}]][[procedures listed by function.htm|{{btn_next_n.gif|Next page}}]] | | || List by type of functionality: [[procedures listed by function.htm#gmctyx|Logic Control]] [[procedures listed by function.htm#ag7j5 3|Event Processing]] [[procedures listed by function.htm#b528lk|Multi-Threading]] [[procedures listed by function.htm#gg9fe8|Window Processing]] [[procedures listed by function.htm#dtvwqq|Keyboard Processing]] [[procedures listed by function.htm#b doz8y|Windows Standard Dialogs]] [[procedures listed by function.htm#a xv1l3|Drag and Drop Processing]] [[procedures listed by function.htm#c19tuuy|Maintaining INI Files]] [[procedures listed by function.htm#r5ylvt|Report Processing]] [[procedures listed by function.htm#ai3am6h|Graphics Processing]] [[procedures listed by function.htm#lha5nr|File Processing]] [[procedures listed by function.htm#faq8 2n|Record Processing]] [[procedures listed by function.htm#hrctyt|Transaction Processing]] [[null data processing.htm|Null Data Processing]] [[procedures listed by function.htm#wb5wh3|Internationalization Support]] [[procedures listed by function.htm#a1lsh g|View Processing]] [[procedures listed by function.htm#btmw5sa|Queue Processing]] [[procedures listed by function.htm#qomk85|Mathematical Procedures]] [[procedures listed by function.htm#aytzqfl|Trigonometric Procedures]] [[procedures listed by function.htm#wi rb6|String Processing]] [[procedures listed by function.htm#e9t10zf|Bit Manipulation]] [[procedures listed by function.htm#b44i qg|Date / Time Processing]] [[procedures listed by function.htm#ag87ft|Field Access]] [[procedures listed by function.htm#d 6mzvr|Operating System Procedures]] [[procedures listed by function.htm#cufa9u|Error Reporting]] [[procedures listed by function.htm#b2nepxu|Miscellaneous]] Alphabetical list: [[abs return absolute value .htm|ABS (return absolute value)]] [[accepted return control just completed .htm|ACCEPTED (return control just completed)]] [[acos return arccosine .htm|ACOS (return arccosine)]] [[add add an entry .htm|ADD (add an entry)]] [[address return memory address .htm|ADDRESS (return memory address)]] [[age return age from base date .htm|AGE (return age from base date)]] [[alert set event generation key .htm|ALERT (set event generation key)]] [[alias set alternate keycode .htm|ALIAS (set alternate keycode)]] [[all return repeated characters .htm|ALL (return repeated characters)]] [[append add a new file record .htm|APPEND (add a new file record)]] [[arc draw an arc of an ellipse .htm|ARC (draw an arc of an ellipse)]] [[ask get one keystroke .htm|ASK (get one keystroke)]] [[asin return arcsine .htm|ASIN (return arcsine)]] [[atan return arctangent .htm|ATAN (return arctangent)]] [[band return bitwise and .htm|BAND (return bitwise AND)]] [[beep sound tone on speaker .htm|BEEP (sound tone on speaker)]] [[blank erase graphics .htm|BLANK (erase graphics)]] [[bor return bitwise or .htm|BOR (return bitwise OR)]] [[box draw a rectangle .htm|BOX (draw a rectangle)]] [[bshift return shifted bits .htm|BSHIFT (return shifted bits)]] [[buffer set record paging .htm|BUFFER (set record paging)]] [[build build keys and indexes .htm|BUILD (build keys and indexes)]] [[bxor return bitwise exclusive or .htm|BXOR (return bitwise exclusive OR)]] [[bytes return size in bytes .htm|BYTES (return size in bytes)]] [[call call procedure from a dll .htm|CALL (call procedure from a DLL)]] [[callback register or unregister a filecallbackinterface.htm|CALLBACK (register or unregister a FileCallBackInterface)]] [[center return centered string .htm|CENTER (return centered string)]] [[chain execute another program .htm|CHAIN (execute another program)]] [[change change control field value .htm|CHANGE (change control field value)]] [[changes return changed queue .htm|CHANGES (return changed queue)]] [[choice return relative item position .htm|CHOICE (return relative item position)]] [[choose return chosen value .htm|CHOOSE (return chosen value)]] [[chord draw a section of an ellipse .htm|CHORD (draw a section of an ellipse)]] [[chr return character from ascii .htm|CHR (return character from ASCII)]] [[clip return string without trailing spaces .htm|CLIP (return string without trailing spaces)]] [[clipboard return windows clipboard contents .htm|CLIPBOARD (return windows clipboard contents)]] [[clock return system time .htm|CLOCK (return system time)]] [[clone duplicate existing control .htm|CLONE (duplicate existing control)]] [[close close a data structure .htm|CLOSE (close a data structure)]] [[colordialog return chosen color .htm|COLORDIALOG (return chosen color)]] [[command return command line .htm|COMMAND (return command line)]] [[commit terminate successful transaction .htm|COMMIT (terminate successful transaction)]] [[contents return contents of use variable .htm|CONTENTS (return contents of USE variable)]] [[convertansitooem convert ansi strings to ascii .htm|CONVERTANSITOOEM (convert ANSI strings to ASCII)]] [[convertoemtoansi convert ascii strings to ansi .htm|CONVERTOEMTOANSI (convert ASCII strings to ANSI)]] [[copy copy a file .htm|COPY (copy a file)]] [[cos return cosine .htm|COS (return cosine)]] [[create create an empty data file .htm|CREATE (create an empty data file)]] [[create return new control created .htm|CREATE (return new control created)]] [[date return standard date .htm|DATE (return standard date)]] [[day return day of month .htm|DAY (return day of month)]] [[deformat return unformatted numbers from string .htm|DEFORMAT (return unformatted numbers from string)]] [[delete delete a record .htm|DELETE (delete a record)]] [[destroy remove a control .htm|DESTROY (remove a control)]] [[directory get file directory .htm|DIRECTORY (get file directory)]] [[disable dim a control .htm|DISABLE (dim a control)]] [[display write use variables to screen .htm|DISPLAY (write USE variables to screen)]] [[dragid return matching drag and drop signature .htm|DRAGID (return matching drag-and-drop signature)]] [[dropid return drag and drop string .htm|DROPID (return drag-and-drop string)]] [[duplicate check for duplicate key entries .htm|DUPLICATE (check for duplicate key entries)]] [[ellipse draw an ellipse .htm|ELLIPSE (draw an ellipse)]] [[empty empty a data file .htm|EMPTY (empty a data file)]] [[enable re activate dimmed control .htm|ENABLE (re-activate dimmed control)]] [[endpage force page overflow .htm|ENDPAGE (force page overflow)]] [[erase clear screen control and use variables .htm|ERASE (clear screen control and USE variables)]] [[error return error message .htm|ERROR (return error message)]] [[errorcode return error code number .htm|ERRORCODE (return error code number)]] [[errorfile return error filename .htm|ERRORFILE (return error filename)]] [[event return event number .htm|EVENT (return event number)]] [[exists return file existence .htm|EXISTS (return file existence)]] [[field return control with focus .htm|FIELD (return control with focus)]] [[filedialog return chosen file .htm|FILEDIALOG (return chosen file)]] [[fileerror return file driver error message .htm|FILEERROR (return file driver error message)]] [[fileerrorcode return file driver error code number .htm|FILEERRORCODE (return file driver error code number)]] [[firstfield return first window control .htm|FIRSTFIELD (return first window control)]] [[flush flush buffers .htm|FLUSH (flush buffers)]] [[focus return control with focus .htm|FOCUS (return control with focus)]] [[fontdialog return chosen font .htm|FONTDIALOG (return chosen font)]] [[fontdialoga return chosen font and character set .htm|FONTDIALOGA (return chosen font and character set)]] [[format return formatted numbers into a picture .htm|FORMAT (return formatted numbers into a picture)]] [[forwardkey pass keystrokes to control.htm|FORWARDKEY (pass keystrokes to control)]] [[free delete all entries .htm|FREE (delete all entries)]] [[freestate free resources .htm|FREESTATE (free resources)]] [[get read a record or entry .htm|GET (read a record or entry)]] [[getfont get font information .htm|GETFONT (get font information)]] [[getini return ini file entry .htm|GETINI (return INI file entry)]] [[getnulls get the null state of a table .htm|GETNULLS (get the NULL state of a table)]] [[getposition get control position .htm|GETPOSITION (get control position)]] [[getstate return current state of data file .htm|GETSTATE (return current state of data file)]] [[halt exit program .htm|HALT (exit program)]] [[help help window access .htm|HELP (help window access)]] [[hide blank a control .htm|HIDE (blank a control)]] [[hold exclusive record access .htm|HOLD (exclusive record access)]] [[idle arm periodic procedure .htm|IDLE (arm periodic procedure)]] [[image draw a graphic image .htm|IMAGE (draw a graphic image)]] [[incomplete return empty req control .htm|INCOMPLETE (return empty REQ control)]] [[inlist return entry in list .htm|INLIST (return entry in list)]] [[inrange check number within range .htm|INRANGE (check number within range)]] [[instring return substring position .htm|INSTRING (return substring position)]] [[int truncate fraction .htm|INT (truncate fraction)]] [[isalpha return alphabetic character .htm|ISALPHA (return alphabetic character)]] [[islower return lower case character .htm|ISLOWER (return lower case character)]] [[isstring return field string type or not .htm|ISSTRING (return field string type or not)]] [[isupper return upper case character .htm|ISUPPER (return upper case character)]] [[keyboard return keystroke waiting .htm|KEYBOARD (return keystroke waiting)]] [[keychar return ascii code .htm|KEYCHAR (return ASCII code)]] [[keycode return last keycode .htm|KEYCODE (return last keycode)]] [[keystate return keyboard status .htm|KEYSTATE (return keyboard status)]] [[lastfield return last window control .htm|LASTFIELD (return last window control)]] [[left return left justified string .htm|LEFT (return left justified string)]] [[len return length of string .htm|LEN (return length of string)]] [[line draw a straight line .htm|LINE (draw a straight line)]] [[locale load environment file .htm|LOCALE (load environment file)]] [[lock exclusive file access .htm|LOCK (exclusive file access)]] [[lockthread re lock the current execution thread .htm|LOCKTHREAD (re-lock the current execution thread)]] [[log10 return base 10 logarithm .htm|LOG10 (return base 10 logarithm)]] [[loge return natural logarithm .htm|LOGE (return natural logarithm)]] [[logout begin transaction .htm|LOGOUT (begin transaction)]] [[longpath return long filename .htm|LONGPATH (return long filename)]] [[lower return lower case .htm|LOWER (return lower case)]] [[match return matching values .htm|MATCH (return matching values)]] [[maximum return maximum subscript value .htm|MAXIMUM (return maximum subscript value)]] [[message return message box response .htm|MESSAGE (return message box response)]] [[month return month of date .htm|MONTH (return month of date)]] [[mousex return mouse horizontal position .htm|MOUSEX (return mouse horizontal position)]] [[mousey return mouse vertical position .htm|MOUSEY (return mouse vertical position)]] [[name return file name .htm|NAME (return file name)]] [[next read next record in sequence .htm|NEXT (read next record in sequence)]] [[nomemo read file record without reading memo .htm|NOMEMO (read file record without reading memo)]] [[null return null file field .htm|NULL (return null file field)]] [[numeric return numeric string .htm|NUMERIC (return numeric string)]] [[omitted return omitted parameters .htm|OMITTED (return omitted parameters)]] [[open open a data structure .htm|OPEN (open a data structure)]] [[pack remove deleted records .htm|PACK (remove deleted records)]] [[path return current directory .htm|PATH (return current directory)]] [[peek read memory address .htm|PEEK (read memory address)]] [[pencolor return line draw color .htm|PENCOLOR (return line draw color)]] [[penstyle return line draw style .htm|PENSTYLE (return line draw style)]] [[penwidth return line draw thickness .htm|PENWIDTH (return line draw thickness)]] [[pie draw a pie chart .htm|PIE (draw a pie chart)]] [[pointer return last queue entry position .htm|POINTER (return last queue entry position)]] [[poke write to memory address .htm|POKE (write to memory address)]] [[polygon draw a multi sided figure .htm|POLYGON (draw a multi-sided figure)]] [[popup return popup menu selection .htm|POPUP (return popup menu selection)]] [[position return record sequence position .htm|POSITION (return record sequence position)]] [[post post user defined event .htm|POST (post user-defined event)]] [[press put characters in the buffer .htm|PRESS (put characters in the buffer)]] [[presskey put a keystroke in the buffer .htm|PRESSKEY (put a keystroke in the buffer)]] [[previous read previous view record in sequence .htm|PREVIOUS (read previous view record in sequence)]] [[print print a report structure .htm|PRINT (print a report structure)]] [[printerdialog return chosen printer .htm|PRINTERDIALOG (return chosen printer)]] [[put re write record .htm|PUT (re-write record)]] [[putini set ini file entry .htm|PUTINI (set INI file entry)]] [[random return random number .htm|RANDOM (return random number)]] [[records return number of rows in data set .htm|RECORDS (return number of rows in data set)]] [[register register event handler .htm|REGISTER (register event handler)]] [[rejectcode return reject code number .htm|REJECTCODE (return reject code number)]] [[reget re get record .htm|REGET (re-get record)]] [[release release a held record .htm|RELEASE (release a held record)]] [[remove erase a file .htm|REMOVE (erase a file)]] [[rename change file directory name .htm|RENAME (change file directory name)]] [[reset reset record sequence position .htm|RESET (reset record sequence position)]] [[restorestate restore state of data file .htm|RESTORESTATE (restore state of data file)]] [[right return right justified string .htm|RIGHT (return right justified string)]] [[rollback terminate unsuccessful transaction .htm|ROLLBACK (terminate unsuccessful transaction)]] [[round return rounded number .htm|ROUND (return rounded number)]] [[roundbox draw a box with round corners .htm|ROUNDBOX (draw a box with round corners)]] [[run execute command .htm|RUN (execute command)]] [[runcode return program exit code .htm|RUNCODE (return program exit code)]] [[select select next control to process .htm|SELECT (select next control to process)]] [[selected return control that has received focus .htm|SELECTED (return control that has received focus)]] [[send send message to file driver .htm|SEND (send message to file driver)]] [[set initiate sequential file processing .htm|SET (initiate sequential file processing)]] [[set3dlook set 3d window look .htm|SET3DLOOK (set 3D window look)]] [[setclipboard set windows clipboard contents .htm|SETCLIPBOARD (set windows clipboard contents)]] [[setclock set system time .htm|SETCLOCK (set system time)]] [[setcommand set command line parameters .htm|SETCOMMAND (set command line parameters)]] [[setcursor set temporary mouse cursor .htm|SETCURSOR (set temporary mouse cursor)]] [[setdropid set dropid return string .htm|SETDROPID (set DROPID return string)]] [[setfont specify font .htm|SETFONT (specify font)]] [[setkeychar specify ascii code .htm|SETKEYCHAR (specify ASCII code)]] [[setkeycode specify keycode .htm|SETKEYCODE (specify keycode)]] [[setnonull set file field non null .htm|SETNONULL (set file field non-null)]] [[setnull set file field null .htm|SETNULL (set file field null)]] [[setnulls set the null state of columns .htm|SETNULLS (set the null state of columns)]] [[setpath change current drive and directory .htm|SETPATH (change current drive and directory)]] [[setpencolor set line draw color .htm|SETPENCOLOR (set line draw color)]] [[setpenstyle set line draw style .htm|SETPENSTYLE (set line draw style)]] [[setpenwidth set line draw thickness .htm|SETPENWIDTH (set line draw thickness)]] [[setposition specify new control position .htm|SETPOSITION (specify new control position)]] [[settarget set current window or report .htm|SETTARGET (set current window or report)]] [[settoday set system date .htm|SETTODAY (set system date)]] [[shortpath return short filename .htm|SHORTPATH (return short filename)]] [[show write to screen .htm|SHOW (write to screen)]] [[shutdown arm termination procedure .htm|SHUTDOWN (arm termination procedure)]] [[sin return sine .htm|SIN (return sine)]] [[skip bypass records in sequence .htm|SKIP (bypass records in sequence)]] [[sort sort queue entries .htm|SORT (sort queue entries)]] [[sql use sql code .htm|SQL (use SQL code)]] [[sqlcallback register or unregister a sqlcallbackinterface.htm|SQLCALLBACK (register or unregister a SQLCallBackInterface)]] [[sqrt return square root .htm|SQRT (return square root)]] [[start return new execution thread .htm|START (return new execution thread)]] [[status return file status .htm|STATUS (return file status)]] [[stop suspend program execution .htm|STOP (suspend program execution)]] [[stream enable operating system buffering .htm|STREAM (enable operating system buffering)]] [[sub return substring of string .htm|SUB (return substring of string)]] [[tan return tangent .htm|TAN (return tangent)]] [[thread return current execution thread .htm|THREAD (return current execution thread)]] [[threadlocked returns current execution thread locked state .htm|THREADLOCKED (returns current execution thread locked state)]] [[tie associate a string value to an astring .htm|TIE (associate a string value to an ASTRING)]] TIED (retrieves a value associated with an ASTRING) [[today return system date .htm|TODAY (return system date)]] [[type write string to screen .htm|TYPE (write string to screen)]] [[unhide show hidden control .htm|UNHIDE (show hidden control)]] [[unload remove a called dll from memory .htm|UNLOAD (remove a CALLed DLL from memory)]] [[unlock unlock a locked data file .htm|UNLOCK (unlock a locked data file)]] [[unlockthread unlock the current execution thread .htm|UNLOCKTHREAD (unlock the current execution thread)]] [[unregister unregister event handler .htm|UNREGISTER (unregister event handler)]] [[untie disassociate a string value from an astring .htm|UNTIE (disassociate a string value from an ASTRING)]] [[update write from screen to use variables .htm|UPDATE (write from screen to USE variables)]] [[upper return upper case .htm|UPPER (return upper case)]] [[val return ascii value .htm|VAL (return ASCII value)]] [[watch automatic concurrency check .htm|WATCH (automatic concurrency check)]] [[what return field from group .htm|WHAT (return field from group)]] [[where return field position in group .htm|WHERE (return field position in group)]] [[who return field name from group .htm|WHO (return field name from group)]] [[year return year of date .htm|YEAR (return year of date)]] [[yield allow event processing .htm|YIELD (allow event processing)]]