| **Navigation:**  [[clarion.htm|Clarion.Net (Clarion#)]] > [[asp net web form.htm|ASP.Net WebForms]] >====== ASP.Net Web Forms Controls By Function ====== | [[asp net web form.htm|{{btn_prev_n.gif|Previous page}}]][[asp net web form.htm|{{btn_home_n.gif|Return to chapter overview}}]][[asp net web forms controls by name.htm|{{btn_next_n.gif|Next page}}]] | | || **Commands** **Button** Performs a task, and causes the form to be posted to the server for processing. **LinkButton** Like a Button control, but has the appearance of a hyperlink, and causes the form to be posted to the server for processing. **ImageButton** Like a Button control, but incorporates an image instead of text, and causes the form to be posted to the server for processing. **HtmlAnchor** Enables Web navigation. **HtmlButton** Performs a task. This control can contain any arbitrary HTML, and therefore it is very flexible in look and feel. However, it is not compatible with all browsers. **HtmlInputButton** Performs a task. This button is supported on all browsers. **HtmlInputImage** Like a button, but displays a graphic. **Comparison to a value** **CompareValidator** Compares a user's entry against a constant value or a property value of another control using a comparison operator (less than, equal, greater than, and so on). **Date setting** **Calendar** Displays a graphic calendar to allow users to select a date. **File transfer** **HtmlInputFile** Allows users to specify files to upload to a server. (The server must allow uploads.) **Forms** **HtmlForm** Defines an HTML form. The values of controls within the form are posted to the server when the form is submitted. **Graphics Display** **Image** Displays an image. **AdRotator** Displays a sequence (predefined or random) of images. **HtmlImage** Displays an image. **Grouping other controls** **CheckBoxList** Creates a collection of check boxes. **Panel** Creates a borderless division on the form that serves as a container for other controls. **RadioButtonList** Creates a grouping of radio buttons. Inside the group, only one button can be selected. **Information storage** **HtmlInputHidden** Stores state information for a form (information that needs to be available with each round trip to the server). **Navigation** **HyperLink** Creates a Web navigation link. **HtmlAnchor** Creates a Web navigation link. **None** **ValidationSummary** Displays the error messages of all other validation controls on the page in a single unified summary. **Other functions** **HtmlGenericControl** Creates a basic object model (properties, methods, events) for any HTML element converted to a control. **Pattern matching** **RegularExpressionValidator** Checks that the entry matches a pattern defined by a regular expression. This type of validation allows you to check for predictable sequences of characters, such as those in social security numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, postal codes, and so on. **Place holding** **PlaceHolder** Enables you to place an empty container control in the page and then dynamically add child elements to it at run time. **Literal** Renders static text into a Web page without adding any HTML elements. **XML** Reads XML and writes it into a Web Forms page at the location of the control. **Range checking** **RangeValidator** Checks that a user's entry is between specified lower and upper boundaries. You can check ranges within pairs of numbers, alphabetic characters, and dates. Boundaries can be expressed as constants or as values derived from another control. **Required entry** **RequiredFieldValidator** Ensures that the user does not skip an entry. **Selection from a list** **DropDownList** Allows users to select from a list that appears when the user clicks a button. **ListBox** Allows users to select from a list that appears when the user clicks a button. **Repeater** Displays information from a data source using a set of HTML elements and controls you specify, repeating the elements once for each record in the data set. **DataList** Like the Repeater control, but with more formatting and layout options, including the ability to display information in a table. The DataList control also allows you to specify editing behavior. **DataGrid** Displays information, usually data-bound, in tabular form with columns. Provides mechanisms to allow editing and sorting. **HtmlSelect** Displays a list of text and graphical items (icons). **Table manipulation** **Table** Creates a table. **TableCell** Creates an individual cell within a table row. **TableRow** Creates an individual row within a table. **HtmlTable** Creates a table. **HtmlTableRow** Creates an individual row within a table. **HtmlTableCell** Creates an individual cell within a table row. **Text display (read only)** **Label** Displays text that users cannot directly edit. **Text edit** **TextBox** Displays text that can be edited by users at run time or changed programmatically. **HtmlInputText** Displays text that can be edited by users at run time, or changed programmatically. **HtmlTextArea** Displays large quantities of text. Used for multi-line text entry and display. **User-defined** **CustomValidator** Checks the user's entry using validation logic that you code yourself. **Value setting** **CheckBox** Displays a box that users can click to turn on and off. **CheckBoxList** Creates a grouping of check boxes. The list control makes it easy to create check boxes using data binding. **RadioButton** Displays a single button that can be turned on or off. **RadioButtonList** Creates a grouping of radio buttons. Inside the group, only one button can be selected. **HtmlInputCheckbox** Creates a box that users can click to turn on and off. The CheckBox control includes a label. **HtmlInputRadioButton** Displays a button that can be turned on or off. Radio buttons are typically used to allow the user to select one item from a short list of fixed options.