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Navigation:  How To's and Troubleshooting > What is… >====== What is a Control Template ====== Previous pageReturn to chapter overviewNext page

A control is almost anything you see on a window or a report. For example, a check box, a push button, an entry field, and a list box are all controls.

Control templates generate source code to declare controls and manage their associated data. For example, the BrowseBox Control template not only generates source code to declare a list box, it also generates code to load data into a QUEUE, then display the QUEUE in the list box with complete scrolling, searching, sorting, updating, and mouse-click selection capability.

Control templates can also control file I/O; for example, the SaveButton Control template can warn that changes were made if the end user tries to close the window without saving the changes to disk.


Generally, it is to your advantage to use a Control template rather than a simple control.

See Also:

Adding Control Templates

what_is_a_control_template.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by