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The AlinkLookUp code template is used to look up one or more Associative link (Alink) names within a compiled help (.chm) file. Associative links are used to link related help topics to each other. When a link that contains an Alink is clicked, a popup window appears with the list of related topics. This template calls the AlinkLookUp method. This method takes three parameters, list of Alinks, default message text and default window title.

Example method calls:

oHH.ALinkLookUp( sSearch, sMsg, sTitle ) !Find sSearch Alink

Template Prompts:

Alink to search for

Specify the Associative link(s) to search for. A string or variable may be specified. Multiple Alinks can be searched for by entering a list of Alinks separated by semicolons (;) as the string to search for. If a variable is used, the variable should contain a list of Alinks separated by semicolons. This entry is required.

String message to display if not found (opt)

Specifies the message to display in a message box if the Alink is not found. This entry is optional.

Title for Message box (opt)

Specifies the title of the message box dialog. This entry is optional.

tplalinklookup.htm.txt · Last modified: 2019/11/13 16:57 by