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The Browse QBEList Control Template is a special control template that allows you to test table queries easily and view the results. You can drag columns from a browse box into the query area, enter values, and quickly test your data set.
This template requires that a Browse Box be populated on the window. Although there are no special prompts associated with this template, there are multiple controls that are populated together and are described below:
Filtering Center List Box
This is an EIP (edit-in-place) list box that allows you to enter a column name, operator, Value or Expression, and an optional connecting operator to the next query.
You can also drag a column name from the browse box to this list box.
You can also drag specific value from a selected row of the browse. For example, if you select the Column Name and drag from a row where the value of that column is “Bob”, the QBE List will use that column/value to create Name = 'Bob'.
In the Value or Expression line, do not enter a single quote in your search string. Instead, if you wish to search for 'FL' as your search string, enter FL
You can query fields with NULL values on SQL tables using the QBEList by entering the following in the Value line:
Updates to the browse box forces an automatic refresh of the active query.
Case sensitive search for string
Check this box to force case sensitive string searches for the current active query.
Reset Button
Clears the list box for a new query.
Save Query Button
Saves the query (to the non-volatile storage source specified in the application's global settings).
Storage is automatic with ABC templates, but you must specify a storage source in the Global Properties of your application when using the Clarion template chain.
Save As Button
Saves the query to a new name that you specify from a query previously loaded.
Load Query Button
Loads a previous query from the non-volatile storage source.
Apply Button
Executes the current active query.
Query Center Operator Translation
The operator names that are used with the Query Center are stored externally in a translation file named Cfilterlist.trn found in \LIBSRC folder. What this means is that the default list of operators (EQUAL, CONTAINS, BETWEEN, etc.) can now be customized outside of the program code in this translation file. The file cFilterList.TRN defines a group with the following format:
DefaultOpe GROUP
Number USHORT(20)
The first PSTRING is what the user will see in the Query Center. The second PSTRING is the operator that the source code will use internally. The ULONG represents a bit mapped value that will indicate to the source code what data type will be valid with the operator (not implemented in this release). The first Number in the group is just telling the Query Center how many repetitions are present in the group. In our example above, there are currently 20 operators available in the translation file.
This translation file serves two purposes. It allows for variations in what the end users see for spoken language translations, and provides the ability to add “natural language” queries.
For more detailed information regarding the translation file, see the Query Center Translation File topic.
Browse QBE List Template Prompts
The following template prompts are provided:
Filter class
The base class used for the QBE List. The default is cFilterList.
Filter object name:
The object name used for this procedure. The default name is FilterObj.
Copy generated filter string to clipboard
Check this box to enable the filter string generated by the Filter Class to be copied to the Windows Clipboard. Pressing the Apply button initiates this feature.
Search on string is case sensitive
Check this box to allow the QBE List to default to case sensitive searches.
Case sensitivity search can be set at runtime
Check this box to allow the Case sensitive search for string check box to be populated at runtime that allows a user to enable or disable case sensitive string searches.