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Navigation:  ABC Library Reference > ToolbarTargetClass > ToolbarTarget Methods >====== ToolbarTarget Functional Organization–Expected Use C6H0009.jpg ====== Previous pageReturn to chapter overviewNext page

As an aid to understanding the ToolbarTarget class, it is useful to recognize that all its methods are virtual. Typically you will not call these methods directly from your program–the ToolbarClass methods call them. However, we anticipate you will often want to override these methods, and because they are virtual, they are very easy to override. These methods do provide reasonable default behavior in case you do not want to override them.

Virtual Methods

DisplayButtons enable appropriate toolbar buttons
TryTakeToolbar return toolbar control indicator
TakeToolbar assume control of the toolbar
TakeEvent convert toolbar events
toolbartarget_functional_organization_expected_use.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by