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TerminatorValue ANY


The TerminatorValue property contains a value that the ConstantClass object looks for within the constant data. When the ConstantClass object finds the TerminatorValue, it stops processing the constant data (inclusive).

The TerminatorValue property is only one of several techniques you can use to mark the end of the constant data. See the Init method for more information on this and other techniques.


The Init method CLEARs the TerminatorValue property; therefore, you should set the TerminatorValue property after the Init method executes.

The Next() method returns Level:Notify when the characters of the constant data matches the value of the TerminatorValue property. The Next(FILE) and Next(QUEUE) methods stop processing when the ConstantClass object finds the TerminatorValue.

The TerminatorField property can be set to a number that represents the number (1 based) of the field that will tested to see if it contains the termination value.

When the TerminatorInclude property is set to true, this will include the record that matches the terminator value in the 'returned records'. When false, the record containing termination value will not be included in the returned records. By default this is set to false.

See Also:     Init, Next

terminatorvalue_end_of_data_marker_.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by