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Sort files alphabetically

Checking this box displays files and aliases in alphabetical order on the Synchronize Dictionaries dialog. Clearing the box displays them in the order they are defined in the source database.

You may also specify the display order during synchronization by choosing View C6H0013.jpg Sort files alphabetically.

Sort fields alphabetically

Checking this box displays fields in alphabetical order on the Synchronize Dictionaries dialog. Clearing the box displays them in the order they are defined in the source database.

You may also specify the display order during synchronization by choosing View C6H0013.jpg Sort fields alphabetically.

Sort keys alphabetically

Checking this box displays keys in alphabetical order on the Synchronize Dictionaries dialog. Clearing the box displays them in the order they are defined in the source database.

You may also specify the display order during synchronization by choosing View C6H0013.jpg Sort keys alphabetically.

Create conversion program

Checking this box tells the synchronizer to automatically generate a Clarion program to convert existing data to the new format of the target database.


This box is disabled when the target is an SQL database, because no separate conversion program is required. Rather, the synchronizer generates an SQL script to both change the database definition and convert existing data.

Hide unsupported attributes

Checking this box tells the synchronizer to hide (omitted from the Synchronize Dictionaries dialog) any attributes of the database the synchronizer server does not support. Clearing the box tells the synchronizer to display the unsupported attributes, but as disabled (dimmed) items.

Correct validity violations automatically

Checking this box tells the synchronizer to automatically resolve conflicts where possible. Clearing the box tells the synchronizer to display the Invalid Proposal icon so you can resolve the problem manually.

For example, a field data type is record picture, but the target dictionary does not support record picture, so the synchronizer automatically resolves the violation by applying the same operation on record picture as on data type.


The synchronizer cannot automatically resolve some conflicts, such as maximum number of MEMO fields exceeded.

If you have elected to resolve conflicts automatically and the conflict can be resolved automatically, then the unresolved difference status indicator in the Synchronize Dictionaries dialog is not set!

Generate DBA instruction script

Use this option when synchronizing to an existing SQL database. Checking this box tells the synchronizer to generate instructions for modifying an existing SQL database. The instructions are an approximation of the SQL needed to achieve the change.

syn14.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by