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SQLite is a very portable file format particularly useful for data that needs to be accessible locally from various devices including PCs running various operating systems, smart phones and tablets.

SQLite is not inherently designed for multi-user access.  It is not a client/server system like most classic SQL systems.  There is no engine that needs to be installed.  It is much more like the TopSpeed Driver than MSSQL.

To run a Clarion program that uses the SQLite driver all that you need are the Clarion libraries that you use, plus the SQLITE3.DLL; which is shipped with Clarion or can be downloaded from www.sqlite.org__.  The Clarion SQLite driver requires version 3.3.1 or later of sqlite3.dll. SQLite stores all tables and keys in a single data file. SQLite does not support stored procedures. Warning: Although the SQLite driver supports DECIMAL and PDECIMAL data types, the SQLite data format does not properly support these.  It stores the values as binary numbers.  Normally this will not cause any problems.  You may encounter problems if you use SQL code to retrieve data and in this SQL code use rounding functions.  For example,  ROUND(9.95,1)  evaluates to 10, not 9.9 as expected.  This only affects any SQL code.  It does not affect standard Clarion code. Tip: ADD() is very fast with SQLite when you use it within a transaction.  If you need to add a lot of data it is recommended to issue a LOGOUT statement followed by the ADD calls and when completed issue a COMMIT. Note: When building a project that uses the SQLite driver the project system will copy sqlite3.dll to the destination folder.  If the dll cannot be found a warning is generated.  To avoid this warning either place this dll in a folder listed in the [Copy] section of your redirection file, or turn off 'Copy Referenced Dlls' in the properties for the project; or edit <;Application Data>\SoftVelocity\Clarion\<;Clarion Version>\LibCopyList.xml file and remove the dll entry named C%V%LIT.DLL.

sqlite_driver.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by