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Navigation:  ABC Library Reference > BrowseClass > BrowseClass Methods >====== SetLocatorField (set sort free element to passed field) ====== Previous pageReturn to chapter overviewNext page

SetLocatorField (free), VIRTUAL


SetLocatorField Sets the sort free element to the passed field.
free An ANY data type, passed by address, that contains the free element that will be used as the locator field.

The SetLocatorField method sets the specified locator sort to the browse list. The free element represents a potential sort that has modified the default sort in the browse list. That element now can become the active locator.

Implementation:     The BrowseClass.SetLocatorFromSort call the SetLocatorField method.

setlocatorfield_set_sort_free_element_to_passed_field_.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by