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SetLimit( lower, upper ), VIRTUAL


SetLimit Sets the StepStringClass object's evenly distributed steps between upper and lower.
lower A string constant, variable, EQUATE, or expression that specifies the StepStringClass object's lower boundary. The value may be numeric or alphanumeric.
upper A string constant, variable, EQUATE, or expression that specifies the StepStringClass object's upper boundary. The value may be numeric or alphanumeric.

The SetLimit method sets the StepStringClass object's evenly distributed steps between upper and lower. The StepStringClass object (GetPercentile and GetValue methods) uses these steps to estimate key values and percentiles for the processed data.


The BrowseClass.ResetThumbLimits (a PRIVATE method) and the ProcessClass.SetProgressLimits methods call the SetLimit method to calculate the expected data distribution for the data. The SetLimit method sets 100 evenly distributed “steps” or markers between lower and upper. SetLimit considers the Controls property (as set by the Init method) when calculating the expected data distribution.


MyStep.SetLimit('A','Z')      !establish uppercase alphabetic scrollbar limits

See Also:     GetPercentile, GetValue, Init, ProcessClass.SetProgressLimits, StepClass.Controls

setlimit_set_smooth_data_distribution_stepstringclass_.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by