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The QueryVisualClass is a WindowManager that displays a query input dialog and handles the dialog events. The QueryVisualClass is an abstract class that handles all of the basic Window functionality for the query dialog.

QueryVisualClass Concepts

The QueryVisualClass is the parent class for the Query dialogs. It is designed to encapsulate the standard query requirements for the window manager.

QueryVisualClass:Relationship to Other Application Builder Classes

The QueryVisualClass is derived from the WindowManager. The classes derived from the QueryVisualClass are optionally used by the QueryClass object.

The QueryFormVisual and the QueryListVisual classes are derived QueryVisualClasses.

QueryVisualClass:ABC Template Implementation

The ABC Templates do not instantiate the QueryClass object independently. The templates instantiate the derived QueryFormClass or QueryListClass instead.

QueryVisualClass Source Files

The QueryVisualClass source code is installed by default to the Clarion \LIBSRC folder. The specific QueryVisualClass files and their respective components are:

ABQUERY.INC QueryVisual declarations
ABQUERY.CLW QueryVisual method definitions
queryvisualclass_overview.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by