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Navigation:  ABC Library Reference > QueryVisualClass > QueryVisualClass Methods >====== QueryVisualClass Methods C6H0009.jpg ====== Previous pageReturn to chapter overviewNext page

The QueryVisualClass inherits all the methods of the WindowManager from which it is derived. See WindowManager Methods for more information.

In addition to the inherited methods, the QueryVisualClass contains the following methods:

Init (initialize the QueryVisual object )

Kill (shut down the QueryVisual object)

Reset ( reset the dialog for display:QueryVisualClass )

TakeAccepted (handle query dialog EVENT:Accepted events)

TakeFieldEvent (a virtual to process field events:QueryVisualClass)

TakeWindowEvent (a virtual to process non-field events:QueryVisualClass)

queryvisualclass_methods.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by