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The project language supports the - #file copy srcfile - command.  This comand copies the srcfile to the destination directory for the current project.  The copy only occurs if the build is successful.  The copy occurs after the destination binary (the exe, dll or lib) has been built.

If the command is included via the PRAGMA command in a source file, the copy occurs directly after the compilation of the source file.  If the source file does not need recompiling, the copy occurs directly after the source file would have been compiled.

The following line will copy a data file to the c:\data folder:

PRAGMA ('project(#file copy somedata.tps c:\data\newdata.tps)')

The following line will cause the awssdk.dll file to be copied to the directory where dlls are copied to:

 PRAGMA ('project(#file copy awssdk.dll)')

pragma_filecopy.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by