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Init( [control] , freeelement [,ignorecase] [,browseclass ] )


Init Initializes the EntryLocatorClass object.
control An integer constant, variable, EQUATE, or expression that sets the locator control for the locator. If omitted, the control number defaults to zero (0) indicating there is no locator control.
freeelement The fully qualified label of a component of the sort sequence of the searched data set. The ABC Templates further require this to be a free component of a key. A free component is one that is not range limited to a single value. Typically this is also the USE variable of the locator control.
ignorecase An integer constant, variable, EQUATE, or expression that determines whether the locator does case sensitive searches or ignores case. A value of one (1) or True does case insensitive searches; a value of zero (0) or False ignores case. If omitted, nocase defaults to 0.
browseclass The label of the BrowseClass object for the locator. If omitted, the LocatorClass object has no direct access to the browse QUEUE or it's underlying VIEW.

The Init method initializes the EntryLocatorClass object.


The Init method sets the values of the Control, FreeElement, NoCase, and ViewManager properties. The Shadow property is the control's USE variable.

By default, only the StepLocatorClass and FilterLocatorClass use the browseclass. The other locator classes do not.


BRW1::Sort1:Locator.Init(,CUST:StateCode,1)          !without locator control

BRW1::Sort2:Locator.Init(?CUST:CustMo,CUST:CustNo,1) !with locator control

See Also:     Control, FreeElement, NoCase, ViewManager

init_initialize_the_entrylocatorclass_object_.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by