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Navigation:  Development Environment (IDE) > General Setup and Navigation > Configuration Options > Tools >====== Tools Options: Tools - External Tools ====== Previous pageReturn to chapter overviewNext page

The Tools options contains setup and configuration options found in the commonly used accessory tools of the IDE.

Tools List

The elements in the Tools List are displayed in the top of the IDE Tools menu. As each item is selected, the following options are available:


Enter the name to display on the IDE Tools Menu


Enter the name of the program to execute. Use the ellipsis button to help you locate the correct program name and path.


This tool accepts arguments in C# format. Use the button on the right of the entry to assist you in selecting the properly formatted argument type.

Working dir

Enter a working directory, or use the button on the right of the entry to assist you in selecting the properly formatted directory.

Prompt for arguments

Check this box to popup a window that allows you to enter arguments at execution time.

Use Output Window

Check this box to open a CMD shell for running WIN32 based programs.

icsharpcode_sharpdevelop_gui_optionpanels_externaltoolpane.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by