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Note that the publisher of the particular library you're using probably supplied a help file that can be accessed via the help button in the Data Link Properties dialog. Therefore, you will not access this help page from within the Data Link Properties dialog. The following provides information on what the Data Link Properties dialog should contain:

Provider Tab:

This presents a list of OLE DB providers on your machine. When developing on a workstation, you must be sure that the server you deploy to has the same provider you choose here. You may choose an OLE DB provider specifically provided for your database, or the OLE DB provider for ODBC, which allows you to choose any ODBC DSN previously set up on your system. In general, if your database provides an ODBC driver, but not an OLE DB provider library, you should be wary. It may be that the ODBC driver does not support the features which will be required of ADO access.

Connection Tab:

This allows you to input the server name, user information, and default database. You must save the password. Note also that the tab should include a “Test Connection” button. You should always test to make sure that the information you've entered is valid.

Advanced Tab:

This provides database specific access options, which may include network/access permissions and timeouts. Note in the illustration below (from MS SQL Server), all user controls are disabled except for the connection timeout. In general, we recommend that you not modify the defaults on the Advanced tab unless you are certain that your customizations will be correct.

All Tab:

This provides a property sheet showing all basic and advanced settings. In the case of MS SQL Server, for example, it also provides additional properties not on the other tabs. In general, we recommend that you not modify the defaults unless you are certain that your customizations will be correct.

data_link_properties.htm.txt · Last modified: 2019/11/13 16:57 by