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Navigation:  What's New in this Version? > What's new in Clarion 10 >New Features released after 10.0 Previous pageReturn to chapter overviewNext page

*  You can now create an app from txa and export an .APP to TXA using Clarioncl -ai appName txaName (inport) and Clarioncl -ax appName txaName (export) respectively

*  Implemented User-Defined Properties

*  MSSQL: You can now update fields stored as TIMESTAMP fields in MSSQL and as TIME fields in Clarion when the WATCH statement has been called and the data was originally created by a non-Clarion program

*  You can now use PROP:NativeErrorCode to get the native error code set by the SQL engine.  This may be different to FILEERRORCODE() which contains to the ODBC error code that the SQL engine sets

*  You can now use PROP:SQLRowSet with the Dynamic file driver

*  ABC Templates, added button to preserve local variables into the Window Procedure

*  Added Functions to get the MIME type based on the file extension

*  Added new Menu Item under the Application Menu to open the current application Project

*  Added new button to open the application's project from the App Pad

*  Added new top-level menu item; “Dictionary”, into the Main Menu (only active when a DCT is open)

*  Global Option Setting to toggle showing IDE progress notifications. Tools-Options-General- Show notifications. Used on search all, generation, build, etc.

*  HttpUpload Demo App. The example shows how to call the methods to upload a file to an Http Server

*  IMDD Template: Added option to disable transactions for IMDD tables declared in the DCT

*  JSON class: added support for inner groups, DIMensiones fields, and queue references

*  Json example on how to use queues and DIM in the structures to represent arrays in groups

*  Notification when the TemplateRegistry is closing to alert the user when the process of closing is ongoing and when it is done

*  Support to upload a file to a webserver using POST

*  New parameter in the SendSMS and SendMail methods, SMTPForceCertCheck, by default true, to allow disabling the check for validity of the certificate on those case with servers with certificates that are expired

*  SYSTEM{PROP:WindowsVersion) now supports an optional index parameter (1-10) to make it easier to retrieve information on the OS

*  Code Editor's Context Menu Item to Insert a Clarion Format Picture that invokes the Picture Editor and when accepted inserts the picture into the code.

*  Added additional information to the Toolbox pad; (ABC Return Levels, FileAccessModes, ErrorCodes), expanded the ASCII table

*  JSON class: added support for inner groups, DIMensiones fields, and queue references

*  Json example on how to use queues and DIM in the structures to represent arrays in GROUPs

*  IMDD Template: Added option to disable transactions for IMDD tables declared in the DCT

*  Notification when the TemplateRegistry is closing to alert the user when the process of closing is ongoing and it is done.

*  Added Functions to get the MIME type based on the file extension

* (ABC & Clarion) ActiveImage. Image control now supportS Templates Action to use the ActiveImage class, and change images based on different states: Enable/Disable/Clicked/Hot, also to post event accepted on a click event to original button.

* Added new methods to the SystemStringClass that work with the SystemStringClass and UrlEncode

* JSON Can add double quotes to number values when using the number formatter 'STRING' ie: JSON.SetNumberFormatter('myfield','STRING')

build_notes_for_11897.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by