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Navigation:  »No topics above this level«====== Pick File Dialog ====== Return to chapter overview

The Pick dialog is a specialized Most Recently Used Files list. As you begin using Clarion for multiple projects, you'll appreciate this dialog because it quickly locates the files you need for any given project.

The Database Browser's Pick dialog lists the data files most recently opened for “browsing.”

When you choose any of these options, a pick list dialog appears, listing up to twenty of the most recently used files of that type:

The Pick dialog provides the following buttons:

Select Opens the currently selected file.
Remove Removes the currently selected file from the Pick list.
New Allows you to create a file.
Open Allows you to open a file not on the Pick list.
Type Allows you to change the type of files listed in the Pick dialog.
brw1.htm.txt · Last modified: 2019/11/13 16:57 by