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#ALIAS( newsymbol , oldsymbol [, instance ] )

#TRYALIAS( newsymbol , oldsymbol [, instance ] )


#ALIAS / #TRYALIAS Declares a synonym for a user-defined symbol.
newsymbol Specifies the new synonym for the oldsymbol.
oldsymbol The name of the symbol for which to declare a synonym. This must meet all the requirements of a user-defined symbol. This must not be a #PROMPT symbol or a variable in the same scope.
instance An expression containing the instance of the addition containing the oldsymbol.

The #ALIAS statement declares a synonym for the user-defined oldsymbol declared in a #CODE, #CONTROL, or #EXTENSION template prompt for use in another.

The #TRYALIAS statement is similar to #ALIAS except that the symbol is only defined by the template referred to by oldsymbol. If oldsymbol is not defined, no template error is posted.


#EXTENSION(GlobalSecurity,'Global Password Check'),APPLICATION



#EXTENSION(LocalSecurity,'Local Procedure Password Check'),PROCEDURE



#GROUP (%QueryHasLocator, %WhichInstance),AUTO

#TRYALIAS (%CurLocatorType, %LocatorType, %WhichInstance)

#IF (VAREXISTS(%CurLocatorType))

 #RETURN (%CurLocatorType)




alias_tryalias_access_a_symbol_from_another_instance_.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:56 by