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This Extension template adds functionality to a Procedure template by enforcing data dictionary-defined control value validation. It also lets you specify controls to exclude from validation.

The prompts for this template are accessible through the Procedure Properties dialog of a template which includes this extension. A Record Validation group box appears in the dialog of the procedure template.

Validate when the control is Accepted

Specifies that validity checking occurs when the control generates an EVENT:Accepted, which occurs when the end user completes or moves the focus from the field.

Validate during NonStop Select

Specifies that validity checking occurs when any control value changes if the window is in AcceptAll (Non-Stop) mode and has focus.

Color Fields rather than Selection

Check this box to change the column or prompt color when an invalid entry occurs.

Field Color when Invalid

Press the ellipsis button (') to select a color to apply to the column when an invalid entry occurs.

Prompt Color when Invalid

Press the ellipsis button (') to select a color to apply to prompt when an invalid entry occurs.

Show Message when fields are Invalid

Check this box to display a text message when an entry is invalid.

Message to Display

Specify the text for the message to display when an entry is invalid.

Control to place Message in

Select from the drop down list, the control that will display the invalid entry message.

Do Not Validate

Opens the Do Not Validate dialog, which lets you select fields from a drop down list. The fields you choose will be excluded from validity checks.