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The ADO Command Object extension template is used to give you access to the ADO Command Object and its method from any procedure. The extension will generate the necessary class declaration and code to create an ADO command object

You must have the Global ADO Support template included in your application.

The following prompts are provided:

Command Object Name and Command Class

These prompts simply hold the default object and class names defined by the ADO Command Object. If you have overwritten these values in the source files, you can enter different names here.

Connection Settings

In most cases you should use the default connection provided by the Global support template. However, there may be times when you need to use the ADO Command Object to send a command to a different server or database.

Check this box to use an existing connection object, and select a valid name from the drop list.

Command Timeout

When set to zero (0), the ADO Command Object will use default internal settings, based on the type of command executed. On certain occasions, you may need to override this command setting for certain stored procedures.

Recordset Information

As in the Command Object Name and Class options, the default RecordSet object and class names are defaulted here. If you have overwritten these values in the source files, you can enter different names here.

You may also specify if the Recordset returned will be stored in a GROUP or QUEUE. This option simply tailors the proper prototype parameters to use in the ADO Command Object.


Command Type

In the Command Type tab, depending of the type of command that is selected, there is a button used to get a list of available stored procedures (adCmdStoredProc). The command type selected can also execute a query to see if the query is valid (adCmdText).

The types of commands here are standard ADO commands that are found in any standard ADO reference guide. Consult your auxiliary documentation for more information.


In order to actually execute this command, you will have to include the ADOCommandExecute code template into an appropriate embed point.