Navigation:  Language Reference > 13 - Built-in Functions >TOUNICODE (convert expression to Unicode) Previous pageReturn to chapter overviewNext page

TOUNICODE(string, codepage)


TOUNICODE Returns a string value converted to Unicode using the encoding of the Codepage parameter
string A string constant, variable, or string expression
codepage Codepage used for encoding

The TOUNICODE function returns a string value converted to Unicode using the encoding of the Codepage parameter. The second parameter allows for conversions to Unicode strings encoded for a different codepage than the current codepage in use by the OS.

The TOUNICODE function also allows to convert ANSI and Unicode strings to a character sequence encoded in UTF-8 by passing the value 65001 as the second parameter.

Return Data Type:    Unicode string


idname ustring(40)

UTFid   ustring(40)

idname = 'widget'
UTFid = TOUNICODE(idname, 65001)  ! encoded to UTF8

See Also:

