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Prior to deployment of your ASP.NET application, you can Build and Run your applications without the need of IIS deployment.

There is now a Development Web Server feature that is now incorporated into the ASP.NET Project Quick Starts:


By selecting this option, you can Build and Run your ASP.NET projects directly from the IDE, and launch them without the need to configure an IIS Virtual Directory.

The only requirement in this release is that Internet Explorer must be your default browser on your development machine.

Also you can now specify in the Quick Start a system generated or user assigned port number.


Here are the required steps needed for actively deploying any ASP.NET application.

To run the an ASP.NET application from your browser:

The sequence below assumes that you will be deploying your applications using Microsoft's Internet Information Services (IIS). You can access IIS via the Administrative Tools found in your Control Panel. If you don't see it there, you may have to install it. You can also run your ASP.NET application using an alternative platform named Cassini. This alternative is discussed at the end of this topic.

1.The Virtual directory needs to be created in IIS. This step is usually done by the Clarion.NET QuickStart, but you can also create it using your IIS Manager.

2.If the Virtual directory was not created by the Clarion.NET IDE then create your ASP.NET application and then create a BIN subdirectory directory within your ASP.NET application directory.

For example, if your project is contained in C:\Clarion.NET\Samples\MyFirstWebSite create a BIN folder there (C:\Clarion.NET\Samples\MyFirstWebSite\BIN).

In either case, a BIN folder in the project folder is always required!

3.Copy to the BIN directory within your ASP.NET application directory the following files:

If you have the SoftVelocity.Clarion.* assembly files installed in the GAC, you only need to copy SoftVelocity.Clarion.ClarionCodeProvider.DLL

If you do not have the SoftVelocity.Clarion.* assembly files installed in the GAC, then copy all of the following DLLs located in the Clarion.NET install's BIN folder to the ASP.NET application BIN directory:







4.To run your ASP.NET application (assuming you are using a local IIS)

Open your web browser and enter the URL'


'where MyFirstWebSite is the name of your virtual directory

Switching from one deployment method to the other

To switch from the Development Web Server to IIS or vice versa, open the Solution Explorer. Right-Click on the Project Node and select Properties from the popup menu.


In the ASP.NET Project Options dialog, modify the Use Server settings accordingly.


As an another alternative to installing IIS, use the Cassini server instead. It's ideal for testing.

Currently we prefer the “UltiDev Cassini server” (also free). Its a very light-weight, redistributable web server that you can have up and running in minutes. Its suitable for intranet deployment for low-load web sites.

You can get it at the UltiDev web site.

After you download and run the Cassini install these steps will get your app up and running in a few minutes;

1. Open a web browser and run http://localhost:7756/default.aspx__ 1.Press the Register application button link 2.Press the Browse button and select your default page (i.e. default.aspx) 3.Leave the Port as System Assigned. 4.Type a Name and Description. 5.Press the Generate button for the ID 6.Press the Save button 7.When the Cassini Explorer refreshes, click the link to run your application.