Navigation:  Language Reference > 5 - Declaration Attributes > Variable and Entity Attributes >====== OWNER (declare password for data encryption) ====== Previous pageReturn to chapter overviewNext page



OWNER Specifies a file encryption password.
password A string constant or variable.

The OWNER attribute (PROP:OWNER) specifies the password which is used by the ENCRYPT attribute to encrypt the data. An “Invalid Data File” error occurs if the password does not match the password that was actually used to encrypt the file.

An OWNER attribute without an accompanying ENCRYPT attribute is allowed by some file systems.

If the file is declared without the THREAD attribute, the variable used with the OWNER attribute should also be declared without the THREAD atttibute.


Customer FILE,DRIVER('Clarion'),OWNER('abCdeF'),ENCRYPT  !Encrypt data password “abCdeF”

Record    RECORD

Name       STRING(20)



See Also: