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The FileCallBackInterface methods are called before and after each file operation. For every FileCallBackInterface registered with a FILE or VIEW the FileCallBackInterface.FunctionCalled method is called before the operation (opcode) is performed. If any of these methods return FALSE, or Parameters.StopOperation is set to TRUE, then the operation is not executed. After the operation has been called, or would have been called if FileCallBackInterface.FunctionCalled did not return FALSE, FileCallBackInterface.FunctionDone is called for every registered interface (See CALLBACK).

If either FileCallBackInterface.FunctionCalled or FileCallBackInterface.FunctionDone returns FALSE:

1. ERRORCODE() will be set to TRIGGERERROR (100)

2. FILEERRORCODE() will be set to the FileErrCode parameter of the first method that returned FALSE

3. FILEERROR() will be set to the FileErrMsg parameter of the first method that returned FALSE.

A CSTRING(81) is passed in FileErrCode and a CSTRING(256) is passed in FileErrMsg.

Both of the FileCallBackInterface methods receive an opCode and Parameters. Parameters are set up to offer different values depending on the particular opCode passed to the method.

The EQUATES.CLW file found in LIBSRC defines valid opCodes using the following format:


Action Invoking Statement Valid Parameters
SEND SEND(file, str) Params.Text = str
COPY COPY(file, str) Params.Text = str
RENAME RENAME(file,str) Params.Text = str
SETNULLS SETNULLS(file,str) Params.Text = str
SETProperty file{property,index} = value Params.Text = valueParams.Property =propertyParams.Index = index
SETBlobProperty blob{property} = value Params.Index =blob number in file definition (1 based)Params.Text = valueParams.Property = property
SETKeyProperty key{property,index} = value Params.Text = valueParams.Property = propertyParams.Key1 = keyParams.Index = index
DOProperty file{property, index}
GetProperty x = file{property,index}
DOBlobProperty blob{property} Params.Index =blob number in file definition (1 based) Params.Property = property
GetBlobProperty x = blob{property} Params.Index = blob number in file definition (1 based) Params.Property = property
DOKeyProperty Key{property, index} Params.Property = property Params.Key1 = key Params.Index = index
GetKeyProperty x = key{property} Params.Property = property Params.Key1 = key Params.Index = index
BUILDdyn BUILD(INDEX, field_list) Params.FieldList = field_list Params.Key1 = INDEX
BUILDdynfilter BUILD(INDEX, field_list, filter) Params.FieldList = field_list Params.Text = filter Params.Key1 = INDEX
REGETfile REGET(file,buffer) Params.Position = buffer
RESETfile RESET(file,buffer) Params.Position = buffer
REGETkey REGET(key,buffer) Params.Position = buffer Params.Key1 = key
RESETkey RESET(key,buffer) Params.Position = buffer Params.Key1 = key
ADDfilelen ADD(file,length) Params.Len = length
APPENDlen APPEND(file,length) Params.Len = length
BUFFER BUFFER(file,pagesize, behind, ahead, timeout) Params.Buffer = pagesize Params.Behind = behind Params.Ahead = ahead Params.TimeOut = timeout
BUILDkey BUILD(key) Params.Key1 = key
DUPLICATEkey DUPLICATE(key) Params.Key1 = key
GETfilekey GET(file,key) Params.Key1 = key
POINTERkey x = POINTER(key) Params.Key1 = key
POSITIONkey x = POSITION(key) Params.Key1 = key
RECORDSkey x = RECORDS(key) Params.Key1 = key
SETfilekey SET(file,key) Params.Key1 = key
SETkey SET(key) Params.Key1 = key
OPEN OPEN(file, mode) Params.OpenMode = mode
SHARE SHARE(file, mode) Params.OpenMode = mode
GETfileptrlen GET(file, pointer, length) Params.Pointer = pointer Params.Len = length
PUTfileptrlen PUT(file, pointer, length) Params.Pointer = pointer Params.Len = length
GETfileptr GET(file, pointer) Params.Pointer = pointer
PUTfileptr PUT(file, pointer) Params.Pointer = pointer
SETfileptr SET(file, pointer) Params.Pointer = pointer
GETkeyptr GET(key, pointer) Params.Key1 = key Params.Pointer = pointer
SETkeyptr SET(key, pointer) Params.Key1 = key Params.Pointer = pointer
HOLDfilesec HOLD(file, seconds) Params.Seconds = seconds
LOCKfilesec LOCK(file, seconds) Params.Seconds = seconds
SETkeykeyptr SET(key1, key2, pointer) Params.Key1 = key1 Params.Key1 = key2 Params.Pointer = pointer
SETkeykey SET(key1, key2) Params.Key1 = key1 Params.Key1 = key2
SKIP SKIP(file, records) Params.Records = records
NULL x = NULL(field) Params.Field = ADDRESS(field) Params.Len = SIZE(field)
SETNULL SETNULL(field) Params.Field = ADDRESS(field) Params.Len = SIZE(field)
SETNONNULL SETNONULL(field) Params.Field = ADDRESS(field) Params.Len = SIZE(field)
CLEARfile CLEAR(file, n) Params.Index = n
DESTROY called on termination of application or thread Params.Index = THREAD()
GETblobdata x = blob[s : e] Params.Index =blob number in file definition (1 based) Params.Start = s Params.Stop = e
SETblobdata blob[s : e] = x Params.Index = blob number in file definition (1 based) Params.Start = s Params.Stop = e
BLOBSIZE x = SIZE(blob) Params.Index =blob number in file definition (1 based)
SETviewfields SET(view, fields = 0) Params.Fields = fields
RESETviewf RESET(view, file) Params.File = file
RESTORESTATE RESTORESTATE(file, state, restorebuffer) Params.State = state Params.RestoreBuffer = restorebuffer
FREESTATE FREESTATE(file, state) Params.State = state
VIEWSTART internal operation Params.TransactionOpCode = operation starting or stopping
VIEWEND internal operation Params.TransactionOpCode = operation starting or stopping


VIEWSTART and VIEWEND are called by the ISAM View Engine when it executes NEXT, PREV, POSITIONfile, REGETfile, RESETfile, GETfileptr, RECORDSfile,and SKIP.

STARTTRAN internal operation Params.TransactionOpCode = operation starting or stopping
ENDTRAN internal operation Params.TransactionOpCode = operation starting or stopping


The runtime library will call the file driver once when starting a transaction statement (LOGOUT, COMMIT, or ROLLBACK) with an opCode of DriverOps:STARTTRAN and once when ending the transaction statement with an opCode of DriverOps:ENDTRAN. If a callback has been registered with the first file in the logout file list, then it will be called with opCode set to DriverOps:STARTTRAN at the start of the transaction command and DriverOps:ENDTRAN at the end of the transaction command. In this case Parameters.TransactionOpCode will be set to either DriverOps:LOGOUT, DriverOps:COMMIT or DriverOps:ROLLBACK.