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The Application Generator displays a number of toolbar buttons to allow quick access to a variety of fundamental features. Most of these button functions are also accessible using standard menu or keyboard commands. Some of these buttons are also available in other areas of the Clarion IDE.

SaveClose.jpg Save and Close

Saves the active file to disk, and closes the application

CancelButton.jpg Cancel

Closes the application and aborts all changes in the active session.

AppTb4.jpg Save

Saves the active file to disk, and keeps the application opened.

ShowDataPad.jpg Show Data Pad

Toggles the opening and closing of the Data/Tbles Pad

RunUtilityTemplates.jpg Run Utility Template

Opens the Select Utility Template dialog.

ExpandContract.jpg Expand/Contract Application Tree

Used to expand and contract the Application Tree

InvokeEmbeditor.jpg Invoke Embed Editor

Opens the Embed Editor for the currently selected procedure.

ToggleProcedureTreeMode.jpg Toggle Procedure Tree Mode

Toggles between the Module and Procedure Tree Mode View.