| **Navigation:**  [[templates.htm|Templates]] > [[tlrcontents.htm|Template Language Reference]] > Complete Alpha Listing >====== #WINDOWS (default window structures) {{c6h0068.jpg|C6H0068.jpg}} ====== | [[ where define code embed point availability .htm|{{btn_prev_n.gif|Previous page}}]][[tlrcontents.htm|{{btn_home_n.gif|Return to chapter overview}}]][[ with assscoiate prompts with a symbol instance .htm|{{btn_next_n.gif|Next page}}]] | | || **#WINDOWS** //structures// **#ENDWINDOWS** {{blk2blue.jpg|blk2blue.jpg}} | **#WINDOWS** | Begins a default window data structure section. | | //structures// | Default APPLICATION or WINDOW structures. | | **#ENDWINDOWS** | Terminates the default window section. | The **#WINDOWS** structure contains default APPLICATION or WINDOW data structures for a procedure Template. The default window //structures// provide a starting point for the procedure's window design. The #WINDOWS section may contain multiple //structures// which may be chosen as the starting point for the procedure's window design. If there is more than one window structure to choose from, the Application Generator displays a list of those //structures// available the first time the procedure's window is editted. The names of the windows which appear in the Application Generator's list comes from a preceding comment beginning with two exclamations and a right angle bracket (!!>). If the procedure template contains a #DEFAULT procedure, there is no need for #WINDOWS, since the default window is already in the #DEFAULT. Therefore, the list does not appear when the window is first edited. **Example:** **#WINDOWS** **!!> Window** **Label  WINDOW('Caption'),AT(0,0,100,100)** **       END** **!!> Window with OK & Cancel** **Label  WINDOW('Caption'),AT(0,1,185,92)** **         BUTTON('OK'),AT(144,10,35,14),DEFAULT,USE(?Ok)** **         BUTTON('Cancel'),AT(144,28,36,14),USE(?Cancel)** **       END** **#ENDWINDOWS**