| **Navigation:**  »No topics above this level«====== Template Language Reference ====== | {{btn_prev_d.gif}}[[coming future.htm|{{btn_home_n.gif|Return to chapter overview}}]]{{btn_next_d.gif}} | | || [[tlr01open.htm|{{c6h0069.jpg|C6H0069}}]][[tlr01open.htm| Introduction]] [[tlrcontents.htm|{{c6h0070.jpg|C6H0070}}]][[tlrcontents.htm| Template Organization]] [[template code sections.htm|Template Code Sections]] [[ template begin template set .htm| #TEMPLATE (begin template set)]] [[ system template registration and load .htm| #SYSTEM (template registration and load)]] [[ application source generation control section .htm| #APPLICATION (source generation control section)]] [[ program global area .htm| #PROGRAM (global area)]] [[ module module area .htm| #MODULE (module area)]] [[ procedure begin a procedure template .htm| #PROCEDURE (begin a procedure template)]] [[ group reusable statement group .htm| #GROUP (reusable statement group)]] [[ utility utility execution section .htm| #UTILITY (utility execution section)]] [[ code define a code template .htm| #CODE (define a code template)]] [[ control define a control template .htm| #CONTROL (define a control template)]] [[ extension define an extension template .htm| #EXTENSION (define an extension template)]] [[embed points.htm|Embed Points]] [[ embed define embedded source point .htm| #EMBED (define embedded source point)]] [[ at insert code in an embed point .htm| #AT (insert code in an embed point)]] [[ atstart template intialization code .htm| #ATSTART (template intialization code)]] [[ atend template reset code .htm| #ATEND (template reset code)]] [[ context set template code generation context .htm| #CONTEXT (set template code generation context)]] [[ emptyembed generate empty embed point comments .htm| #EMPTYEMBED (generate empty embed point comments)]] [[ postembed generate ending embed point comments .htm| #POSTEMBED (generate ending embed point comments)]] [[ preembed generate beginning embed point comments .htm| #PREEMBED (generate beginning embed point comments)]] [[template code section constraints.htm|Template Code Section Constraints]] [[ where define code embed point availability .htm| #WHERE (define #CODE embed point availability)]] [[ restrict define section use constraints .htm| #RESTRICT (define section use constraints)]] [[ accept section valid for use .htm| #ACCEPT (section valid for use)]] [[ reject section invalid for use .htm| #REJECT (section invalid for use)]] [[tlr03open.htm|{{c6h0069.jpg|C6H0069}}]][[tlr03open.htm| Defaults and Template Data]] [[tlr04open.htm|{{c6h0069.jpg|C6H0069}}]][[tlr04open.htm| Programmer Input]] [[tlr05open.htm|{{c6h0069.jpg|C6H0069}}]][[tlr05open.htm| Logic and Source Generation Control]] [[tlr06open.htm|{{c6h0069.jpg|C6H0069}}]][[tlr06open.htm| Miscellaneous]] [[tlr07open.htm|{{c6h0069.jpg|C6H0069}}]][[tlr07open.htm| Template Symbols]] [[tlr08open.htm|{{c6h0069.jpg|C6H0069}}]][[tlr08open.htm| Annotated Examples]]