| **Navigation:**  »No topics above this level«====== Synchronizer Wizard - Matching Options ====== | {{btn_prev_d.gif}}[[coming future.htm|{{btn_home_n.gif|Return to chapter overview}}]]{{btn_next_d.gif}} | | || Proper matching of dictionary items is essential to produce a useful synchronization. The synchronizer provides a range of automatic, intelligent matching choices, which you can combine with manual matchings to quickly and accurately match your dictionary items. Any items the synchronizer cannot match automatically are flagged within the **Synchronize Dictionaries** dialog so you can manually match them. See //Synchronize Dictionaries Dialog// for more information. **Historically** The **Synchronizer **matches the items based on the synchronizer file you specified earlier. This choice is disabled if you specified a new synchronizer file or no synchronizer file. **By Name Only** The **Synchronizer **matches the items based on their labels and external names. **By Order Only** The **Synchronizer **matches the items based on the order they appear in the two dictionaries. This option is not available for SQL databases. **By Component Only** The synchronizer matches keys based on the number and labels or external names of the key components. This option is not available for SQL databases. {{notebox.jpg|NoteBox.jpg}} The availability of the matching rules depends on the particular database server. **Manually** The **Synchronizer **does not match items. You must match the items with the **Synchronize D**ictionaries dialog. CLICK on the **OK **button to return to the Options page, then CLICK on the **Next **button to continue. {{notebox.jpg|NoteBox.jpg}} Pressing the finish button at this point matches the dictionaries according to these settings. For any manually matched items, all sub-items are matched using the settings. For example, if you match a file manually, all its fields are matched by name if By Name Only is specified.