| **Navigation:**  [[templates.htm|Templates]] > [[tlrcontents.htm|Template Language Reference]] > Template Symbols > Built-in Symbols >====== Symbols Dependent on %File {{c6h0068.jpg|C6H0068.jpg}} ====== | [[symbols dependent on application.htm|{{btn_prev_n.gif|Previous page}}]][[tlrcontents.htm|{{btn_home_n.gif|Return to chapter overview}}]][[symbols dependent on viewfiles.htm|{{btn_next_n.gif|Next page}}]] | | || | %AliasFile | The label of the ALIASed file. | | %File | Contains all file declarations in the .DCT file. Multi-valued. Dependent on %DictionaryFile. | | %Field | The labels of all fields in the file (including MEMO fields). Multi-valued. | | %Key | The labels of all keys and indexes for the file. Multi-valued. | | %Relation | The labels of all files that are related to the file. Multi-Valued. | {{blk2blue.jpg|blk2blue.jpg}} | %File32BitOnly | Contains 1 if the file can only be used in 32-bit applications. | | %FileBindable | Contains 1 if the file has the BINDABLE attribute. | | %FileCreate | Contains 1 if the file has the CREATE attribute. | | %FileDescription | A short description of the file. | | %FileDriver | Contents of the DRIVER attribute first parameter. | | %FileDriverParameter | Contents of the DRIVER attribute second parameter. | | %FileEncrypt | Contains 1 if the file has the ENCRYPT attribute. | | %FileExternal | Contains 1 if the file has the EXTERNAL attribute. | | %FileExternalModule | Contents of the file's EXTERNAL attribute parameter. | | %FileIdent | The internal file number assigned by the Dictionary Editor and displayed in the IDENT in a .TXD file. | | %FileLastModified | Returns date and time file was last modified. | | %FileLongDesc | A long description of the file. | | %FileName | Contents of the FILE statement's NAME attribute. | | %FileOEM | Contains a 1 if the file has the OEM attribute. | | %FileOwner | Contents of the OWNER attribute. | | %FilePrefix | Contents of the PRE attribute (the file prefix). | | %FilePrimaryKey | The label of the file's primary key. | | %FileQuickOptions | A comma-delimited string containing the choices the user made on the Options tab for the file. | | %FileReclaim | Contains 1 if the file has the RECLAIM attribute. | | %FileStatement | Contains the FILE statement's attributes (only). | | %FileStruct | The FILE statement (the label and all attributes). | | %FileStructEnd | The keyword END. | | %FileStructRec | The RECORD statement (including label and any attributes). | | %FileStructRecEnd | The keyword END. | | %FileThreaded | Contains 1 if the file has the THREAD attribute. | | %FileTriggerBeforeInsert | Contains the contents of the trigger condition. | | %FileTriggerAfterInsert | Contains the contents of the trigger condition. | | %FileTriggerBeforeUpdate | Contains the contents of the trigger condition. | | %FileTriggerAfterUpdate | Contains the contents of the trigger condition. | | %FileTriggerBeforeDelete | Contains the contents of the trigger condition. | | %FileTriggerAfterDelete | Contains the contents of the trigger condition. | | %FileTriggerDataInitialValue | Contains the contents of the Initial Value of a Trigger Data Element. | | %FileType | Contains FILE, VIEW, or ALIAS. | | %FileUserOptions | A string containing the entries the user made in the User Options text box on the Options tab for the file. |