| **Navigation:**  [[clarion ide.htm|Development Environment (IDE)]] > General Setup and Navigation > Configuration Options > Component Inspector >====== Tools Options: Component Inspector - Object Tree ====== | [[icsharpcode componentinspector addin generaloptionspanel.htm|{{btn_prev_n.gif|Previous page}}]][[clarion ide.htm|{{btn_home_n.gif|Return to chapter overview}}]][[icsharpcode componentinspector addin typehandleroptionspanel.htm|{{btn_next_n.gif|Next page}}]] | | || The Object Tree options affect how data is displayed in the Component Inspector's Object tab, allowing you to show or hide properties, methods, events for the objects on display. **Show Members** In the object tree, check the members that you wish to display in the object tree. You have **Fields**, **Properties**, **Methods** and **Events** as the available choices. **Show** This group controls the level of information that is displayed in the object tree. **Categories** The **Show member categories** option will group all events together under an Events parent node in the Objects panel. Properties, methods and fields are also grouped together under their own parent group node. The **Show base class**// categories// option will group all events, methods, fields and properties under a single parent node. You can also specify whether both the above groupings, base class categories and member categories, will only occur if the total number of members exceeds a specified threshold. The **Show Object members in base category** option determines whether the members of the standard base classes, //System.Object//, //System.__ComObject// and //System.MarshalByRefObject// are always shown for an object in the Objects view.