| **Navigation:**  »No topics above this level«====== Application Properties Dialog ====== | {{btn_prev_d.gif}}[[coming future.htm|{{btn_home_n.gif|Return to chapter overview}}]]{{btn_next_d.gif}} | | || This dialog allows you to create a new application, or edit the "essential" information for an existing .APP file. It appears in the Application QuickStart for New Projects, but is also available for edit from the **Global Properties** tab in the Application Generator. | **Application File** | Type a name for the .APP file. When opening the .APP file, the IDE makes the directory in which the .APP file resides the working directory. | | **Dictionary File** | Type the name of the data dictionary file (.DCT). You can press the ellipsis button ( ... ) to locate the dictionary file using the Select Dictionary dialog. See [[how to create a data dictionary.htm|How to Create a Data Dictionary]] for information on creating your application's data dictionary.**Note:** The Application Generator does //not //require a data dictionary to generate an application, if you //uncheck //the **Require a dictionary** box in the [[application options dialog.htm|Application Options]] dialog | | | Note: **Changing a Dictionary** requires an exact match of the internal tables GUID. The Application file uses GUIDs to link to items in the dictionary. So if you change a dictionary, the new dictionary must have the same GUIDs. If you want to change to a dictionary with the same names, but different GUIDs, then what you need to do is first export the application to text (TXA), edit the text file and change the dictionary there and then import the modified text file into a new application. | | **First Procedure** | Type the name of the first procedure. This is usually called MAIN. | | **Destination Type** | Select Executable, Library or Dynamic Link Library.{{notebox.jpg|NoteBox.jpg}}**This option is only visible in the Application QuickStart dialog, and is not available in the Global Properties tab dialog. Use the [[cwbinding applicationoptionspanel.htm|Project Properties]] to change the application's Output Type.** | | **Help File** | Optionally type the name of a Windows Help file (.HLP). The file must exist on disk, but it can be a "dummy" file. You can press the ellipsis button ( ... ) to locate the help file using the Open File dialog. | | | | | **Application Template** | The template controls code generation. You can select the default Clarion or ABC template, or choose a third party template set by pressing the ellipsis button ( ... ), then choosing from the **Select Application Type** dialog. | | **To Do Template** | Accept the default ToDo(//template chain//) in the **To Do Template** field. | | **Application Wizard** | Check the **Application Wizard **box to use the wizard to create a complete application based on the selected dictionary and a few answers you specify. This option is only available when you are creating a new application. | **Notes:** 1.Create new .APP files //only// using the Clarion IDE. Do not copy a file (using the DOS command line, or File Manager) to a new file name, then open it in Clarion. This prevents the Application Generator from changing the internal names recorded in the file. If you need to copy and rename an .APP file, open it, then use the **File **{{c6h0013.jpg|C6H0013.jpg}}** Save As** command. 2.Application file names, besides being legal DOS names, must also be valid Clarion labels. The file name, 1MyApp.APP, for example, is illegal because it starts with a number instead of a character. **See Also:** [[how to create a new application file.htm|How to Create a New Application File]]