The page for #FIND was missing. Carl did a quick copy/paste from Help and some formatting --------------------------------------------------------------- **#FIND(** //symbol//, //fixsymbol// // [,limit]// **)** **[, NOCASE]** {{blk2blue.jpg|blk2blue.jpg}} | **#FIND** | FIXes all multi-valued parent symbols to values that point to a single child instance. | | //symbol// | A multi-valued symbol. | | //fixsymbol// | A symbol or expression containing the value to fix the //symbol //to. | | //limit// | A parent symbol which limits the search scope to the children of the //limit// symbol. | | **NOCASE** | The //fixsymbol// value case does not need to match the case of the //symbol // | The #FIND statement finds the first instance of the //fixsymbol// contained within the //symbol// then FIXes it and all the "parent" symbols on which the //symbol// is dependent to the values that "point to" the value of the //fixsymbol// contained in the //symbol//. This is done so that all the symbol dependencies are aligned and you can reference other symbols dependent on "parent" symbols of the //symbol//. (See **[[#FIX]]**) For example, assume %ControlUse contains CUS:Name. The #FIND(%Field,%ControlUse) statement: * Finds the first instance of %Field that matches the current value in %ControlUse (the first instance of CUS:Name in %Field) in the current procedure. * FIXes %Field to that value (CUS:Name). * FIXes %File to the name of the file containing that field (Customer). * This allows the Template code to reference other the symbols dependent upon %File (like %FilePre to get the file's prefix). The //fixsymbol// must contain a valid instance of one of the //symbol's// multiple values. If the //fixsymbol// does not contain a valid instance, the //symbol// is cleared and contains no value when referenced. **Example:** #FIND(%Field,%ControlUse) #!FIXes %Field and %File to %ControlUse parents **See Also: **[[ select fix a multi value symbol .htm|#SELECT]] ,[[ fix_fix_a_multi_value_symbol .htm|#FIX]]