| **Navigation:**  [[abc library reference.htm|ABC Library Reference]] > FileDropClass > FileDropClass Methods >====== FileDropClass Functional Organization - Expected Use {{c6h0009.jpg|C6H0009.jpg}} ====== | [[filedropclass methods.htm|{{btn_prev_n.gif|Previous page}}]][[abc library reference.htm|{{btn_home_n.gif|Return to chapter overview}}]][[addfield specify display fields .htm|{{btn_next_n.gif|Next page}}]] | | || As an aid to understanding the FileDropClass, it is useful to organize its methods into two large categories according to their expected use--the primary interface and the virtual methods. This organization reflects what we believe is typical use of the FileDropClass methods. **Non-Virtual Methods** The Non-Virtual Methods, which you are likely to call fairly routinely from your program, can be further divided into three categories: **Housekeeping (one-time) Use:** | | Init | initialize the FileDropClass object | | | AddField | specify display fields | | | AddUpdateField | specify field assignments | | | AddRange (i) | add a range limit to the active sort order | | | AppendOrder (i) | refine the active sort order | | | Kill | shut down the FileDropClass object | **Mainstream Use:** | | ResetQueue | fill or refill filedrop queue | | | TakeEvent (v) | process the current ACCEPT loop event | | | TakeNewSelection (v) | processes EVENT:Selected events | **Occasional Use:** | | OpenI | open the filedrop view | | | PrimeRecord (i) | prepare an item for adding | | | SetFilter (i) | specify a filter for the active sort order | | | ApplyFilter (i) | range limit and filter the result set | | | ApplyOrder | sort the result set | | | GetFreeElementName(i) | return the free element field name | | | SetOrder (i) | replace the active sort order | | | Close (i) | close the filedrop view | (i) These methods are inherited from the ViewManager Class. (v) These methods are also virtual. **Virtual Methods** Typically you will not call these methods directly--the Non-Virtual Methods call them. However, we anticipate you will often want to override these methods, and because they are virtual, they are very easy to override. These methods do provide reasonable default behavior in case you do not want to override them. | | SetQueueRecord | copy data from file buffer to queue buffer | | | Reset (i) | reset the view position | | | TakeEvent (v) | process the current ACCEPT loop event | | | TakeNewSelection | processes EVENT:Selected events | | | ValidateRecord | validate the current result set element | (i) These methods are inherited from the ViewManager Class.