| **Navigation:**  [[templates.htm|Templates]] > [[tlrcontents.htm|Template Language Reference]] > Complete Alpha Listing >====== #DISPLAY (display-only prompt) {{c6h0068.jpg|C6H0068.jpg}} ====== | [[ deleteall delete multiple multi valued symbol instances .htm|{{btn_prev_n.gif|Previous page}}]][[tlrcontents.htm|{{btn_home_n.gif|Return to chapter overview}}]][[ embed define embedded source point .htm|{{btn_next_n.gif|Next page}}]] | | || **#DISPLAY(** [ //string// ] **) **[, **AT( )** ] [, **PROP( **//name,value//** )** ] {{blk2blue.jpg|blk2blue.jpg}} | **#DISPLAY** | Displays a string constant on a properties window. | | //string// | A string expression containing the text to display. | | **AT** | Specifies the size and position of the //string// display area in the window, allowing multiple lines of text. This attribute takes the same parameters as the Clarion language AT attribute. If a width and height are specified in the AT attribute, then the //string// will span multiple lines. | | **PROP** | Specifies a property to assign to the prompt text. //Name //designates the property name equate (Example: PROP:FontColor) and //value// is the value assigned to the named property (Example: 0FFFFFFH) | The **#DISPLAY** statement displays the //string// on a properties window. If the //string// is omitted, a blank line is displayed. The display updates whenever the value in the //string// changes. #DISPLAY is not valid in a #MODULE section. **Example:** **#DISPLAY****()                                    #!Display a blank line** **#DISPLAY****('Ask programmer to input some')      #!Display a string** **#DISPLAY****(' ABC Version: '&%ABCVersion), AT(10,,170), PROP(PROP:FontColor, 0FFFFFFH)** **#PROMPT(' specific value',@s20),%InputSymbol** **See Also:     **[[ prompt prompt for programmer input .htm|#PROMPT]] ,[[ group reusable statement group .htm|#GROUP]] ,[[ boxed prompt group box .htm|#BOXED]] ,[[ enable enable disable prompts .htm|#ENABLE]] ,[[ button call another page of prompts .htm|#BUTTON]]