| **Navigation:**  [[abc library reference.htm|ABC Library Reference]] > SelectFileClass > SelectFileClass Properties >====== DialogCancelled (user cancelled the file dialog) {{c6h0009.jpg|C6H0009.jpg}} ====== | [[defaultfile initial filename filemask .htm|{{btn_prev_n.gif|Previous page}}]][[abc library reference.htm|{{btn_home_n.gif|Return to chapter overview}}]][[flags file dialog behavior .htm|{{btn_next_n.gif|Next page}}]] | | || | | **DialogCancelled** | **BYTE, PROTECTED** | {{blk2blue.jpg|blk2blue.jpg}} The **DialogCancelled** property is set to TRUE if the user has pressed the Cancel button on the file dialog. This property is protected, and can only be referenced in the derived SelectFileClass methods. If you need to reference this property outside of the class methods, use the GetCancelled method. **See Also:**     [[getcancelled get status of user dialog action .htm|GetCancelled]]