| **Navigation:**  [[abc library reference.htm|ABC Library Reference]] > BrowseClass > BrowseClass Properties >====== BrowseClass Properties {{c6h0009.jpg|C6H0009.jpg}} ====== | [[browseclass overview.htm|{{btn_prev_n.gif|Previous page}}]][[abc library reference.htm|{{btn_home_n.gif|Return to chapter overview}}]][[activeinvisible obscured browse list action .htm|{{btn_next_n.gif|Next page}}]] | | || The BrowseClass inherits all the properties of the ViewManager from which it is derived. See //[[viewmanager.htm|ViewManager]] Properties// for more information. In addition to the inherited properties, the BrowseClass contains the following properties: [[activeinvisible obscured browse list action .htm|ActiveInvisible (obscured browse list action)]] [[allowunfilled display filled list .htm|AllowUnfilled (display filled list)]] [[arrowaction edit in place action on arrow key .htm|ArrowAction (edit-in-place action on arrow key)]] [[askprocedure update procedure 1.htm|AskProcedure (update procedure)]] [[changecontrol browse change update control number .htm|ChangeControl (browse change/update control number)]] [[currentchoice current list control entry number .htm|CurrentChoice (current LIST control entry number)]] [[deletecontrol browse delete control number .htm|DeleteControl (browse delete control number)]] [[editlist list of edit in place controls .htm|EditList (list of edit-in-place controls)]] [[eip edit in place manager .htm|EIP (edit-in-place manager)]] [[enteraction edit in place action on enter key .htm|EnterAction (edit-in-place action on enter key)]] [[focuslossaction edit in place action on lose focus .htm|FocusLossAction (edit-in-place action on lose focus)]] [[hasthumb vertical scroll bar flag .htm|HasThumb (vertical scroll bar flag)]] [[hideselect hide select button .htm|HideSelect (hide select button)]] [[ilc reference to ilistcontrol interface .htm|ILC(reference to IListControl interface)]] [[insertcontrol browse insert control number .htm|InsertControl (browse insert control number)]] [[listqueue browse data queue reference .htm|ListQueue (browse data queue reference)]] [[loaded browse queue loaded flag .htm|Loaded (browse queue loaded flag)]] [[popup browse popup menu reference .htm|Popup (browse popup menu reference)]] [[prevchoice prior list control entry number .htm|PrevChoice (prior LIST control entry number)]] Processors (reference to ProcessorQueue) [[quickscan buffered reads flag .htm|QuickScan (buffered reads flag)]] [[retainrow highlight bar refresh behavior .htm|RetainRow (highlight bar refresh behavior)]] [[selectcontrol browse select control number .htm|SelectControl (browse select control number)]] [[selecting select mode only flag .htm|Selecting (select mode only flag)]] [[selectwholerecord select entire record flag .htm|SelectWholeRecord (select entire record flag)]] [[sort browse sort information .htm|Sort (browse sort information)]] [[startatcurrent initial browse position .htm|StartAtCurrent (initial browse position)]] [[tabaction edit in place action on tab key .htm|TabAction (edit-in-place action on tab key)]] [[toolbar browse toolbar object .htm|Toolbar (browse Toolbar object)]] [[toolbaritem browse toolbartarget object .htm|ToolbarItem (browse ToolbarTarget object)]] [[viewcontrol view button .htm|ViewControl (view button)]] [[window windowmanager object 1.htm|Window (WindowManager object)]]