| **Navigation:**  [[templates.htm|Templates]] > [[tlrcontents.htm|Template Language Reference]] > Complete Alpha Listing >====== #BOXED (prompt group box) {{c6h0068.jpg|C6H0068.jpg}} ====== | [[ atstart template intialization code .htm|{{btn_prev_n.gif|Previous page}}]][[tlrcontents.htm|{{btn_home_n.gif|Return to chapter overview}}]][[ break break out of a loop .htm|{{btn_next_n.gif|Next page}}]] | | || **#BOXED(** [ //string //] **)** [, **AT( )** ] [, **WHERE(** //expression// **)** ] [, **CLEAR** ] [, **HIDE** ] [, **SECTION** ] //prompts// **#ENDBOXED** {{blk2blue.jpg|blk2blue.jpg}} | **#BOXED** | Creates a group box of //prompts//. | | //string// | A string constant containing the text to display as the group box caption. | | **AT** | Specifies the position of the group in the window, relative to the first prompt placed on the window from the Template (excluding the standard prompts on every procedure properties window). This attribute takes the same parameters as the Clarion language AT attribute. | | **WHERE** | Specifies the #BOXED is visible only for those instances where the //expression// is true. | | //expression// | An expression that specifies the condition for use. | | **CLEAR** | Specifies the //prompts// symbol values are cleared when disabled. | | **HIDE** | Specifies the //prompts //are hidden if the WHERE //expression// is false when the dialog is first displayed. If no WHERE attribute is present, //prompts// are always hidden. | | **SECTION** | Specifies all AT() attributes for the //prompts// are positioned relative to the start of the #BOXED section. | | //prompts// | One or more #PROMPT statements. This may also contain #DISPLAY, #VALIDATE, #ENABLE, #PREPARE, and #BUTTON statements. | | #**ENDBOXED** | Terminates the group box of //prompts//. | The **#BOXED** statement creates a group box displaying the //string// as its caption. If the WHERE attribute is present, the //prompts// are hidden or visible based upon the evaluation of the //expression//. If the //expression// is true, the //prompts// are visible, otherwise they are hidden. **Example:** **#PROMPT('Pick One',OPTION),%InputChoice        #!These prompts on second page** **#PROMPT('Choice One',RADIO)** **#PROMPT('Choice Two',RADIO)** **#BOXED****('Choice Two Options'),WHERE(%InputChoice = 'Choice Two')** **    #PROMPT('Screen Field',CONTROL),%SomeField** **    #VALIDATE(%ScreenFieldType = 'LIST','Must select a list box')** **#ENDBOXED** **See Also:     **[[ prompt entry types.htm|#PROMPT]] ,[[ validate validate prompt input .htm|#VALIDATE]]