| **Navigation:**  »No topics above this level«====== Input Key Dialog ====== | {{btn_prev_d.gif}}[[coming future.htm|{{btn_home_n.gif|Return to chapter overview}}]]{{btn_next_d.gif}} | | || Use this dialog to specify a key, or key combination, for a hot key (KEY attribute) or an alert key (ALRT attribute): | **Key** | Press the desired key or key combination (for example, CTRL+H). The keys you pressed will appear in the **Key** field, and will be supplied as parameters to the KEY or ALRT attribute for this control. | | | The ESC, ENTER, and TAB keys //cannot// be specified by pressing them. For these keys, press the ellipsis (...) button and type "esc," "enter," or "tab." | | **Modifiers** | Optionally, add additional keys to your key sequence by checking the **Ctrl**, **Alt,** or **Shift** boxes, or any combination of the three. | | **Mouse** | Mouse clicks may be used within the key sequence; however, mouse clicks //cannot// be specified by clicking the mouse. For mouse clicks, check the corresponding check box(es). For example, to act on a double-click, check the **Left Button** box //and// the **Double Click** box. |